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My Meditation Journey with the 12 Holy Days of Christmas December 26- January 6

Thirty two years ago I officially stepped on “the path,” the sacred path. It is a journey that one takes perhaps in many lifetimes. Within three months I started my work with massage, I began my weekly metaphysics classes, and my beautiful sister Donna was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I started my study of the physical body as I entered the world of Spirit. It has been quite a journey…always something new to learn and experience.

My sister left this planet after suffering for one and one half years. I learned that there was a reason for her suffering. I didn’t understand what it was, but I knew there was a divine purpose.

Christmas of 1977 was the first year I observed the twelve holy days. It has been my secret dedication for every Christmas since that time. It is wonderful to keep on celebrating when the rest of the world thinks it is over. The twelve holy days begin on December 26 through January 6.

Christmas has always been a special time for me because Christmas Eve is my birthday. My mother named me Merry Christina. She forgot about our last name, Battles. Merry Battles, that is how it has always been. I’ve had many battles but in the end they have turned out merry. I like the irony, the yin and yang of it.

“Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 – January 6” is a compilation of my meditations from all these years. Each day is assigned to a disciple, sign of the Zodiac, spiritual center of the physical body, attainment, and thought meditation from the Bible. As each day progresses we are to see illumined all the spiritual centers, until the twelfth night when the whole body is seen in light.

My inspiration came from the book “Mystery of the Christos” by Corinne

Pages: 1 2 3

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