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My Story: How I Got Rid From The Effects Of Black Magic With the Grace of Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and Bapu Ganga Dass Ji

My Story (How I Got Rid From The Effects Of Black Magic With the Grace of Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and Bapu Ganga Dass Ji) Jai Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji, Jai Bapu Gaga Dass Ji

In June 1986, I passed my B.Com final year with very good position in the college. After two weeks I went to my college, to collect my character certificate. When I was coming back on the bi-cycle, heavy rain started. I turned my cycle to a tree to take shelter from heavy rain. I fall down with my cycle. My right hand got fractured. Then suddenly rain stopped. I took my cycle and pull on the cycle. I could not use my right hand, becausing it was too soaring.

After month, limbs of both my legs started soaring. My both legs got stiffness. Now I could not turn my legs from the knees.

My father took me to the doctor. When doctor was checking, every part of my both legs were soaring. Doctor told me that both legs have been changed colour. Some parts were red and some parts were blew.

At this time my left hand was also soaring. I was feeling my self very unlucky. Doctor told my dad,”Give him meat and he need exercise.”

We tried these things what there was no any improvement. After that we got medication from Guru Nanak Mission Hospital Dhahan Kaleran, but ony slight improvement. Doctor told us doctor told us he has no any other better medicine than this.

We moved to Tagore Hospital Jalandhar. Doctor checked and told me, “You need to take two year medicine”. I medicine for two years without gap. But only slight pain removed. My legs had been dried.

My father got me enrolled in Army, by requesting army officers. Because my father has also been served in Indian Army. My health and body was not in the position in doing army job. My father told me do not tell any body about your problem. When you do daily exercise and eat meat, your health will be all right.

But, It was hard for me to keep secret and do hard exercise. So I told true story to the Army doctor. He checked my legs and arms and reffered me to Army Hospital Panji (Goa). Because my training centre was in Madgaon (Goa).

After 30 days, doctor refered me to Command Hospital Pune (Maharashtra).

Every test was done. At last Muscular Atrophy was diagnosed. I listened this word first time in my life. They send back to my training centre after 6 months.

Some of my friend suggested to go to Goa Medical College and Hospital Panji. I also went there. They also admitted and tested. After Muscle biopsy report, they told me, it is Muscular Dystrophy. I requested them to tell me more about this decease. They explained me that muiscular dystrophy has no any cure. After some time you will need wheal chair. You will no more walk on your legs. Your limbs muscles are wasting, no any re-generating activity is detected.

In August 1990, I came back to my home in Punjab. I tried every doctor. But every doctor told me same thing, Muscular Dystrophy has no cure in the world. I also remained one month in PGI Chandigarh. But reply was same. There is no cure of Muscular Dystrophy in Medical Science in the World.

ABOUT MY BAD LUCK: In 1986 felled in ditch of bad luck. My health distroyed, my career distroyed. Bad luck did not stop, people of Rationalist Society met me and gave me a book to read. I become rationalist and started saying, there is no any God, no any soul, no fruit of any bad karma or bad karma. In short cut now I was nastic (non believer of the existence of God or any supreme power). My mother requested me to pray God. But I told them there is no any God.

After 14 years I started going holly places like temples etc. with my mother. My faith was not full but little bit. Some time my mind said may be God exist and second time started doubting. Now I started believing in God in doubt. I was not 100% sure about the existence of God.

My mother usually went to Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and pray daily at home. I started going with her in doubt of exitence of God. Slowly slowly my faith started going strong. Because, there many people met me who told me, how Kapu Kumbh Dass (Sai Jai bapu Kumbh Dass Ji) cured there decease just with his words.

In 2003 My family planned to move Australia. I told my wife, I can’t work hard, so I should not go to Australia. But my wife requested me to go with her. She told me, she will work and I need not to do any work. I should tell you that, that time, I could not walk, stand, sit or sleep. So thinking about doing hard work was only dream.

At the end of 2003, we moved to Australia. Before coming to Australia, I went to Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji with my mother. We prayed him to give good health, help in journey and stay always with us. Bapu Ji gave five rupees note and said to go.

We reached Australia without much problem.  My mother kept my photo in front of bapu ji. here I always day and night remembered bapu ji. Bapu’s picture was always in my heart. Day time I started working and while sleeping I went to bapu kumbh dass ji.

One night while I was sleeping, a supreme power washed my whole body with colours. From that day I had no any pain in any part of my body. Tired ness also reduced (this is the incidence of January 2009). From that day I am 100% all right.

From that day, I daily talk with my friends and relative. All were surprised.

I was also surprised. Who can dream of getting rid from muscular distrophy. Who can dream of getting rid from non curable decease after 22 years. Before coming back to God, coming back to Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji, my only dreams were walking with the help of wheal chair. (Say Jai Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji).

One day I was on the internet, I saw a web site which make our kundly for only $ 2. I got my kundly. I was very surprised to saw my kundly. Every thing was so clearly mentioned about me as I told them my story my self.

I was mainly concerned with my health. How my health destroyed and my career destroyed. So in my kundly written as: You will be effected with black magic and your limbs will be effected. Your health will be destroyed. Your career will be destroyed. You can go in army (I have gone in army but have to come back due to bad health). You can become teacher (I recruited as teacher but because of this decease I could not even sit in the chair without pain for more than one hour, so I left that job after 7 years). You can become writer (I wrote poetry in punjabi). You can become healer. Now I have become healer. I felt pain for 22 years of my life. I know what is the pain. I know what is the decease. I know what is the poverty. I know how one feel when his or her dreams banish.

When from my kundly I came to know that I destroyed with the effect of black magic. I started thinking who may be the person who destroyed my health and career (now Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji saved me).

One day I was searching on computer. I found a web site. Who reply every question for .70. I just asked, Äm I effected with black magic.”Änd sent .70 by paypal. Because I was first time customer he replied me in detail.

He wrote,”You were cursed with black magic  long time ago. You did not believe in black magic simply due to your bad luck. Now your black magic have been removed  due to some supreme power”.

I was so surprised to know this reply. Now I started thinking, who cursed black magic on me. I suspected about different people. One day I thought I should ask from same person. Then I asked question,”Who cursed black magic on me.” He replied,”Your female cousin”.

Now I always think why own people destroy own people life. Do they not believe in God. Do they not fear from God while doing bad karama. We should always remember tree fold rule. When you do bad for others. According to your karma automatically, three fold bad will happen with you in this life or next life.

Now I have started healing people. I am M.Com., B.Ed.  I did my M.Com through correspondence from H.P. Uni Shimla and B. Ed. regular from Govt. College of Education Faridkot (Punjab). I could give materialistic education the students and earn good money. I also trust that we are the kathputli of God. We do as God like. Now Our Guru Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and Our Guru’s Guru Bapu Ganga Dass Ji and God order me to heal people and connect them with Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji, Bapu Ganga Dass Ji and God.

So I am collecting religious items and selling on line. I am trying to keep price low, so that every sick people can take benefit.

Use Raksha Kavach for your protection from black magic. It is common saying that prevention is better that cure. if you always wear this protection shield. No any black magic  can effect you. (But always remember God). Take Kavach in both hands and touch with forehead and say Jai Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and wear around the neck). It has life long effect.





I am Mukesh Kumar devotee of My Guru Bapu Kumbh Dass Ji and My Guru’s Guru Bapu Ganga Dass Ji. If you are effected with black magic, I can relieve you with the blessing of my Guru. For more information go to my web site:

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