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the world. When they return, they feel cured.

Characteristic of Native American Indian Songs
Although they have no harmony and few melody-making instruments, the Native Americans do use intricate melodies. In the eastern United States the Shawnee and the Creek tribes have songs in which a short bit of melody is sung alternately by a leader and a group. This kind of singing is called responsorial.

In many tribes, especially those of the Plains Indians, the singers put a great deal of tension of their vocal chords. The result is a kind of frenzied, intense tone. In some of the Pueblo tribes, singing in a low, growling voice is preferred. Elsewhere, singing in a high voice is heard.

Many songs of the Plains Indians are made up of two parts. In the first part the singer starts high and gradually works his way down the scale, singing only meaningless syllables, such as “hey-hey” or “ho-ho”. Then he starts high again, singing the real words of the song. He ends on low tones, again with meaningless syllables.

A typical song of the Arapaho Indians has words like these: “Man, look up here, I am the bird,” and “Young man it is good that you are going on a war party; when you become a chief, you will be famous.”

Most members of a tribe participate in the musical life of the tribe. But there are usually no professional musicians. Often the people important in the religious ceremonies – the priests, shamans or witch doctors – are the leaders of the musical life. As in the vision quest of the Plains Indians, many young men make up songs.

Most members of a tribe can sing and know many songs, but not so many can play instruments. A good singer in one tribe may not be

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