Question by NOXIN: Native Americans in N.M. use peyote, and people of the Amazon use DMT. Acceptance?
In New Mexico the native Indians use peyote in ceremony, or
maybe even outside of that. In the Amazonian jungles, the
shamans(and other natives) use a natural form of dimethyl
tryptamine, to induce various states of consciousness. Yet
both drugs are banned almost worldwide. Should these ritual
practices be left alone by governments?
Best answer:
Answer by RedPower Woman
Peyote is only used in ceremony. It is a medicine when used this way. It is not used in recreation or as a drug. This is the general practice of tribal people. Of course there are always some who stray but it is not accepted if one does this (strays and uses for recreation).
The use of peyote is a long standing Native tradition. It has always been used responsibly. Just because the U.S. government now calls it a drug does not mean that Native people should have to give up cermonial rights. This is true for the other medicine you speak of as well.
There is something called the Native American Freedom of Religion act. It was passed in 1993. And I do believe that the U.S. first amendment says everyone has a right to freely practice their religion.
I see two counter-arguments.
1. Freedom of religion cannot withstand if it is hurting others:
The use of these medicines is not hurting anyone.
2. If this is true then anyone can claim that using drugs is part of their religion, should we let everyone use drugs as long as they say it is religious?
These medicines have roots that lead back to
pre-colonization. Therefore it is obviousally not some excuse to use a drug. It is not used as a drug anyhow, it is used as a medicine.
Native people had several ceremonies and religious rights wiped away during colonization. Today oppression still stops many Natives from practicing their traditions. There is no reason Native people shouldn’t be able to practice long withstanding traditions as long as it is for ceremony and it is being done responsibly.
I am a Native woman. This is not a trivial question.
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Yes the crow messengers know they must be left to our people
Native American traditions put a high importance on messages from the spirit world. Among them are dreams, and observation of animals and nature. In this tradition there are practices which help a person receive the messages, like the steam in a sweat lodge. It’s the same as prayer. Payote came from that tradition. Most of western culture would not understand, but among many Native Americans interference with the dream practices would be worse than prohibiting churches.