New Age Technology Tells Us How To Rejuvenate Ourselves
If we want to look younger we generally think of a surgical type procedure like a facelift. But it doesn’t make sense to seek to have the face looking younger if the body is not up to par. To really look and feel younger we really need to look at a solution that not only addresses the face but the body and that includes inside it as well.
We all know the signs of aging ? loose, sagging skin, increasing waistline, loss of muscle tone and lean body mass, wrinkles, fatigue, memory loss, joint stiffness and the list goes on. We age because our body’s natural production of “youth” hormones decreases with age and inactivity.
These hormones are responsible for the development of lean body mass, bone density and an efficient metabolism that reduces the body’s fat storing capacity. Age is not the factor that inhibits the body’s release of these hormones. It is the changes that accompany aging that are responsible for it ? changes such as weight gain, obesity, high sugar levels and high levels of free fatty acids in the blood.
And these changes are caused by being less active, living a no exercise lifestyle and a belief that we should slow down and take it easy as we get older. These are the very things that cause accelerated aging along with an increased risk of a serious disease or illness. These factors however are within our control through proper exercise and good nutrition which means that there is lot you can do now (whether you are 30 or 50) to stimulate the body’s release of these “fitness” hormones.
New age technology has allowed research to delve into the effects of proper exercise and its effects on our metabolism (the body’s engine). For many years exercise professionals have