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there will be healing.”      GLADYS STAINES –“My prayer to the Lord is: Take me as I am. You know how precious stones become crystal clear? They go through polishing and hardship, and that’s how our lives should be… If we don’t experience the grace of God, we become bitter… Experience forgiveness and forgive others. Grace is available. Once you forgive, there will be healing.”    GLENWAY WESCOTT –“It is not love, but the lack of love, which is blind.” GLORIA ALLRED –“The more I know about men, the more I like dogs.” GLORIA STEINEM –“A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space.”    GLORIA STEINEM –“Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there’s nothing without it.”    GLORIA STEINEM –“We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons. But few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters.”        GM TREVELYAN –“Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.”   GOATHE– “Whatever you do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” GOETH –“Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.”            GOETHE –“A clever man commits no minor blunders.” GOETHE –“Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.”    GOETHE –“Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.” GOETHE

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