in the mind of the rakshasa, Mahabali Chakravarti, who, despite being a rakshasa, believed in truth and charity That’s why Mahabali readies himself to sacrifice everything. He not only gave away to Vamana all the three worlds, he allowed Vamana to place his foot on his head, thereby making the supreme sacrifice of giving up his own ego. The three worlds stand for the three planes of consciousness, the waking, dreaming and deep-sleep states. Vamana, by placing his foot on the king’s head in a symbolic gesture, transcended not only these three planes of consciousness, but also dethroned King Bali or the egocentric existence… Onam is celebrated to commemorate this realisation.” GRACE E EASLEY –“There is a happiness in me Which lives in spite of all The days of pain and misery That sometimes I recall. A little joy whose roots are deep, And keep on holding-on, And even though the times I weep, …Are solid as a stone. There is a happiness in me That’s near to having wings, And I’m convinced it’s sure to be Each time my Angel sings. Sometimes I feel it’s not enough, This meagre bit I give, And that this life so cold and rough, …Is not where I should live. I hunger for a different kind Of place than I have been, Not comprehended by the mind, With not a single sin To mar its pure perfection, Detract from all it is, And so in that direction,My feet must follow His. Because this happiness in me Was planted long ago, To shield me from things to be, While I remain below, God cut my earth-bond moorings, And granted I should be Attuned to Heaven’s voices, through …This happiness in me.” GRACE HANSEN –“A wedding is just like a funeral except that you get to smell your own flowers.” GRACE
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