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problems (dementia/depressions/schizophrenia etc.) where medications will make the situation worse. Expect dramatic news and a serious increase involving suicides. Updated June 2nd, 2010 –  1: Inside China factory hit by suicides – 2: Workplace Suicides in the U.S. on the Rise?

In last two days, 12 coalition troops killed in Afghanistan

Coalition troop deaths in Afghanistan continued to add up in what has been a hot and bloody struggle, with eight American and four British troops slain over the last 48 hours. NATO’s International Security Assistance Force confirmed the eight American deaths. Five died Wednesday in southern Afghanistan, one in a bombing and the others in a small-arms attack. Three were killed Tuesday as they repelled an insurgent attack on a police base in Kandahar city.

This war has many implications starting from the trillion dollars drugs/arms hidden smuggling business to religious and political differences, it’s the “religious war” I predicted back in 1995 on Art Bell Coast To Coast radio show  and a war that benefit a crowd of Plutonic greedy, unconcerned extremely wealthy people in high places all over the world. Meantime this generation of children were all born with the Tail of the Dragon (negative) in Capricorn (government) and are sacrificed in the same way than the  “Baby Wasted Generation” that fought and died during the WWW1 and WWW2 conflicts. But both the parents and the kids do not know anything about the Dragon and riding his tail (or working for Uncle Sam) in any reputable way can only bring disaster in the long run. Kids and parents alike trust the government to help them succeed in life not only with a long standing job that offers

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