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other factors determine the way they see. For example, the deer is a grazing animal with night vision. Their heightened visual senses at dawn and dusk make them perfectly capable of avoiding obstacles while running through a timber in the dark.  This might also suggest that bright colored clothing is entirely appropriate and decreases the risk of hunting accidents.  But don’t forget, if the camouflage garment contains UV brighteners, you will not increase your chances of taking one home.

If you have the opportunity and good fortune to hunt for bighorn sheep, consider a few tips during the planning stages of your trip.  You will need functional, lightweight equipment including a good pair of binoculars.  Mountain sheep have vision several times sharper than man and they maneuver with ease over treacherous terrain.  The best chance for a trophy is to approach covered completely in camouflage.   What does nature have to offer in this situation?  

 Advances in technology give us sophisticated weapons, night vision binoculars, GPS, computers, video cameras and a wide selection of earth tone colored and camouflage patterned outer wear made according to a certain standard or safety requirement.  However, as state regulations are enforced to make this activity safer, it is logical to assume that UV brighteners and manmade materials are not really camouflage at all and possibly provide a false sense of security.

Do you still think of our hunting ancestors as primitive?  After all, they needed an advantage and one intelligent solution gave them an edge – camouflage.  It might have been as simple as smearing ashes or mud on their faces or hiding them behind leafy twigs.  Even in the earliest days, the hunters must have

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