“…in him we move, breathe and have our being.” We are the conclusion of everything which constitutes the origin of nothing. [The beginning and the end]
When “Yes” appears, “No” immediately links to and with it. All things arise from the nothing that exists before ‘the’ anything manifests. Nothing exists outside of itself in order to incorporate itself. Before “IT” exists, it does not. In other words, NOTHING brings with it everything that can or ever will be.
When the idea forms in your mind that a realm of possibility is available that you are not taking advantage of, or that things could be different from how they currently exist, you are at war with yourself. Nothing includes everything at the precise moment of its unfolding. Not later. Now.
If you can but begin to digest the magnitude of this statement, you will also be able to absorb the realization that consequences which rise up haphazardly or seem to occur quite randomly are in fact sequentially ordered and structured according to the necessity of the whole. Nothing is out of order nor can it be.
The idea that any circumstance in your present life can be altered in any way is fictitious and absurd. Things are how they are, regardless. IF it’s not on your path, you can’t have it.
In the futile efforts and outrageously self-defeating attempts you arrange to change something about you, the other or any existing situation, you are but merely shouting ostentatiously loud/clear while reinforcing the crystallized fact that you don’t want to participate in your life as it is unfolding. Makes no difference whether you want to or not, you WILL go through the ‘situation’ allotted to and for you.
You are acting like a spoiled