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adequate faculties to interpret the true meaning of the present situation. Your vision is distorted, colored and biased. Your personal intent is tainted.

Though you are incapable of changing one iota of anything that is going on in your present life, IF you were, ‘WOE’ would be the outcome; you remain belligerent. Your attention span is varicose and blemished. You say you desire a thing but before it can be manifested, you have moved onto another interest. You are delirious in your gluttonous appetites and vain imaginings. You are vicious and unabated in your thirst for power, influence and control. You call it ‘love’ but make no mistake about it, the “…heart of man is continually evil.”

Far more is happening than you are in a position to diagnose. Those very aspects, you deem as restricting are in fact, the ones that will liberate you. You are not seeking freedom for yourself but from yourself.

Life appears to be a game of picking and choosing: either ‘this’ or ‘that’ but in actuality, no differentiation avails itself. You are in the midst of the unveiling of yourself in fullness. Without the various privilege of interacting in/with the components in your everyday existence, exactly and precisely, as they unfold, you would in no wise reap the benefits associated.

Though you think you have chosen either one thing or another, all things come from the same stew of ‘life’s inexplicable cycled experience’, par excellence! THIS is as good as it gets.

NO- thing is left out, delayed, diminished, or disrupted. You are definitely NOT being cheated out of anything. Should you make a move in any direction to try to improve your lot, you will inevitably meet the same ‘demon’ of rapacious

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