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option or alternative. No other place to look.

When you voice aloud you want something other than what you have, you are simply trying to escape a pattern not necessarily comfortable or familiar to you, or one of which you have grown bored and tired of. Either way, you are not being present for your life. You can’t possibly see what’s there right before you, unless you shut your eyes. Listen with your eyes; see with you ears.

You are far too concerned with results without realizing the ‘seed’ of likeness produces the tree of enmity and will not do otherwise. When you are in agreement with the whole, you do not divide sections into good and bad. Embrace the ‘Nothing’ in your days. For in the No-things will you discover, unleash, and celebrate all there is, has been or ever will be. “many mansions…if it were not so, I would have told you.”

Proud Native {Born, Bred, and Resident} of North Carolina, married 39 spectacular years, 6 children, 11 grandchildren.

I am passionate about love, living, laughter, liberty, learning, listening, loosening up, lounging, lunch, liveliness, literacy, lip stick, letting my hair down, leaping, leaning, libido, lifting, linking, looking, lodging, lemons and lyrics.

My personal and professional background is wide and varied. I have a BS in Communication with a MA in Art Education. I am a Cosmic Therapist, artist, entertainer, singer/songwriter, musician, composer, playwright, perfumer, astrology, author, teacher, speaker, poet and self-taught chef.

I am also a radio/television talk show creator, host and director. In addition when I’m not busy, I maintain a presence at M.O.D.E International School of Esoteric Arts and Sciences of which I founded many years ago,

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