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please visit Devlesko Swato gypsy christian web site we are going city to city street preaching and talking to the churches about mark 16 the Great Commission New York 9/14/09 .Tags: rapture safka power ministry grcc ggcc rapture movie steve miller gypsy church ny…

Song: The Wiccans and The Pagans
Video Rating: 1 / 5


  • michiXhime says:

    Would you like a side of EPIC with that FAIL?

  • MAGUS1947 says:

    Is this bloke for real? Christians have a history of causing bloodshed and suffering during the past 2000 years. How many people have been put to death because they didn’t fit in with the Christian viewpoint.. Catholics can commit the most shocking crimes then ask their priest for forgivness.

  • LoveUntoAllThings says:

    What do both Jesus and the God and Goddess teach? Love <3 How about we start practicing? huh?

    Blessings <3

  • LoveUntoAllThings says:

    lol he’s holding the Cross upside down. oops…

    Blessings to all <3

  • Azrael666Azazel says:

    wiccans and pagans are more loving than many christians. im an atheist and i get along with them more than christians because they don’t try to convert me. they have a live and let live attitude. you ruined a good song so just stop

  • SaganAppreciationSoc says:

    If there ever was a time to call something “EPIC FAIL” this would be it.

    Or might this be an example of Poe’s Law?

  • B3ANK1TTY says:

    rofl this video is amazing
    i laughed so hard
    thanx man
    blessed be

  • phire42 says:

    If you live in the desert, & have only experienced desert, are you correct in saying that the entire world is desert? The world is too big for one human to experience it all. God is too big to say that you know what he is and isn’t as well. You can only experience a small portion of God. Just like everyone else. But we are all correct. The world is partially desert, ocean, & forest etc. God also is all of the things that all religions call him/her/it & more! Cool guitar. Thank you for sharing.

  • albionskipper says:

    hey man love the song, but has anyone told you that its wrong to have your cross upside down !

  • synthetickat says:

    No, the Goddesses likely does NOT bless them. She blesses Her children.

  • KonThaak says:

    That’s exactly why it makes me a “liar”. Many modern “Christians” don’t want to know the truth, which is that the church has been lying to them since minutes after Jesus went cold on the cross, and they haven’t stopped since. Anyone who looks at actual history and cross-references with Biblical Scriptures–instead of looking purely at the Bible–will tell you that much of what the church teaches about the Bible is pure fabrication, or at least taken badly out of context.

  • shaundraivy says:

    This preachhellsfire guy is just paranoid…give your bible a rest and seek professional therapy

  • shaundraivy says:

    Why does that make him a liar? is it because he made a point you don’t want to hear??

  • shaundraivy says:

    OMG…why don’t just keep your dogmatic brimstone shit too yourself….I’m sure your Jesus would rather you live and let live…isn’t a commandment to NOT JUDGE!
    the Goddess blesses you anyways

  • bartyfarslar says:

    “…a witch, Consulter with fimilure spirits, Necromancer… for all that do thee thing are an Abomination unto The LORD your GOD”

    Well your hatefilled psychotic god is an abomination to us! Blessed Be!

  • KonThaak says:

    And you call yourself a Christian? Where does CHRIST condemn others? Christ risked his life multiple times to SAVE others that people like you condemned! He stopped an angry mob from stoning a prostitute. He told the people to give to Rome what is Rome’s. He walked among the lepers–the “unclean”–whom the Pharisees abandoned.

    Thank you for driving the nails into Christ’s cross, you worthless hypocrite.

  • KonThaak says:

    I am a great many things, but I am not a liar. Jesus taught us to think AGAINST traditional doctrine, not to be its slaves. How many times did Jesus say “I know the law says such-and-such, but I say the spirit of the law is this”? The Pharisees lost sight of the spirit of God’s laws. The evidence of this is the fact that we have BOTH Deuteronomy AND Leviticus: both books allowed the Pharisees to condemn openly whomever they pleased. Jesus wanted that to change.

  • preachhellsfire says:

    Liar! Try Again Slick,
    “All Scripture was written by inspiration of The HOLY GHOST and is good For Doctrine.”

  • KonThaak says:

    WiccanWonder, not all Christians are like this nutjob. He just happens to represent a very vocal minority, one that has driven many decent and good people from the faith. Don’t let people like him cloud your judgment of all Christians; many are loving individuals who embrace Christ’s teachings of love and acceptance. Jesus didn’t teach the horrible things that today’s churches teach… That was Paul, a pharisee, one of Jesus’ *enemies*, putting words in Christ’s mouth.

  • KonThaak says:

    Deuteronomy was a book of commandments to the First Temple, and was specifically directed at the Jews of Israel. The laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus have no place in our society today. We do not allow for slaves. We do not treat women as second-class citizens. We do not condemn men for eating pork, nor do we stone bankers for charging interest. Jesus, in the New Testament, never says anything about witchcraft or homosexuality or other “sins” that the modern church rails about today. You fail.

  • preachhellsfire says:

    The True and Living GOD whom You all will one Day stand Before, Condenms Witchcraft in Deuteronomy 18:10-11
    “…a witch, Consulter with fimilure spirits, Necromancer… for all that do thee thing are an Abomination unto The LORD your GOD”

  • goddessmelania says:


  • goddessmelania says:

    Plz.. dont go to thier lvl. the messages above are for you hun.. many blessing my dear may the God and Goddess bless you and yours.

  • goddessmelania says:

    After all, they formed this religion in submission of force and through fears of being executed.
    I have many Christian friends who are totally into the environment and saving the earth. All I am trying to say is.. don’t say all Christians are evil for this is not true. In doing so you are no better then them when they said “suffer not a witch to live” There is good and bad in every religion it is natures way. For with out the dark one couldn’t hv the concept of light.

  • goddessmelania says:

    The concept of true Christianity is not evil cf in and of itself. It is the world leaders who hv corrupted the original message. Due to this fact we hv to deal with the unknowing mundane. Who don’t do the research them selfs such as Hellsfire here. When your talking bout wars and womens rights your talking more of government. It is not Christianity that influences the government though the government tht influences the christens.

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