***DOWNLOAD LINK IS HERE!!!!!*** penguinchao.tripod.com This is a simple video with PJ’s disco spell and some custom spells i made on the construction set, they are 1. Turn everyone else around you into a vampire 2. Turn yourself into a vampire 3. remove vamprism from everybody in the area 4. remove vamprism from yourself 5. Start a Riot(or brawl) 6. End the riot with no after affect 7. Open Spellmaking menu 8. Open Enchanting menu 9. Clone somebody on target 10.Clone yourself 11.Turn everybody aaround you into an undead creature(This will be undoable) 12.Set as Dremora Assasin/Companion kill target (see#13) 13.Summon a friendly Dremora that will follow you around nd kill someone on demand 14.Close an Oblivion Gate on target 15.Crete an Obvlivion Gate with creatures around it(if you are ever bored) 16.Permenantly light up the area where you are when you cast the spell AND MANY MORE

Aren’t the spells in the movies wonderful! And when do we get to learn a simple fireball throwing spell? Well, real spells aren’t nearly as flashy but IMHO they are much more effective. Here’s an example of one which also happens to be the first spell I learned: The Saltwater Cleansing Spell by Starhawk. (Also introducting the Basenji Pack: Belle, Ra and Shango scampering and jingling their way through the video)
Video Rating: 5 / 5
@ThePhoenix815 /facepalm
Well, I gues I have to give you a break, its not like there is some kind of powerful search engine that finds what you want….. oh wait
haha i like how the dancing is casting moves and crouching
omigod loooovvvveee yyoooouuuwww!!
How do you get these sweet spells?
Does the spell play this music or have put it in for the video?
@Penguinchao dude could you put this in tesnexus.com
Wats dat song when she uses disco
ur not allowed to sell mods it can be reported. its like making money of someone elses game thats why all addons n mods are allways free.
This is the best oblivion mod!
@RunescapeModeler yeah. I download scenary and animation mode, but i never hack out money or aurmor
money hacks completely takes the fun out of this game…
wuts the name of this mod?
@Jalookah yeah,m but the eyecandy mod is COMPLETELY naked and its for free
Can you download them with your ps3? Like go on the site with your ps3 and download from there?
disco disco good good !!!
best spell ever
I need oblivion for PC does anyone know where to get the game? and do i have to buy it?
@fredes99 they are talking about oblivion mods retard lolz
1:26, for a second, i thought it was the theme of pirates the caribbean ^^
awww i love this song lol wasnt expectin that
@zompire996 console command
I think it’s ironic that the dude’s singing “Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more” and then you start a riot.
does the disco spell come with wat is love?
@Jalookah lol wtf
@pokemonbluerescuefan uhh ya that wud be awesome, it sucks.