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Questions for occultists, new agers, and pagans of all persuasions. Music credits for the video: RickVanMan
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25 Responses to Occultists, New Agers & Pagans: Some Soul Searching Questions for You!

  • Threetails says:

    1. None of the above. I’m looking for a new way to make the most of some wondrous things I’ve experienced.
    2.The answer is less important than learning what to ask. I’d rather have one good question than a box of bad answers.
    3. I have been both a Christian and an Atheist. Neither of those were the right place, so yes, I could be wrong again. So what?
    I’m not sure you understand the pagan mindset. It’s not about filling a void, it’s about celebrating life and making the most of it.

  • PossiblyDamned says:

    @Terrybob123 And what makes you so sure that it’s not the spirits of YHVH that I am in contact with? What proof do you have that I am being lead by demonic forces? And do not say the Bible because first off there are many ways of understanding a text depending on your perspective, experience and knowledge. Second, there are many different versions and translations of the biblical texts, and third, a book on mythology is no proof of anything

  • Terrybob123 says:

    @PossiblyDamned it’s not our way, or his way, or their way. it’s the only way, besides the path that leads to destruction. don’t act foolish. any other spirit besides that of YHWH’s is unclean, and demonic, simple as that, magic does not exist, it’s demonic entities people are worshipping dude.

  • Terrybob123 says:

    @BlindDruidOfTheMists i hope that YHWH reveals himself to you. :]

  • PenelopeA57 says:

    Great video, bro!

  • satanshalldie says:

    i used to be a strong christian. i just started researching religion and found that my path went in a different direction. I find my peace in nature. The ways of Jesus still stick with me today. I see him as a teacher not a god. like a person would follow the Buddah. you cant tell me im wrong because… i am at peace. i have the same spiritual “awakenings” today as i did when i was a christian. i have huge respect for true christians though.

  • fonna says:

    No, I actually don’t touch it.
    But that was funny.

  • wakeupordie2 says:

    whoa! you’ve been smoking too much of that new age herbage!!!

  • fonna says:

    It grows and forms..
    To me “God” is not a noun, it’s a verb, it’s an action. It’s the way a person is to another person.

    You don’t have to worship it, because your a part of it, and it’s a part of you, and was never separated, as many religions have you think it is.
    It forms, and is not pre-formed already.

  • sweetcyanide218 says:

    there is a difference between a religious path and a crime.
    what you are proposing is not in any way a religious path, it is merely you trying to make a witty comment and failing miserably.

  • wakeupordie2 says:

    just a question, what id there were no books on God, would you say He/It is in the heart then? How does God become in the heart in the first place?

  • wakeupordie2 says:

    and what would that answer be?

  • wakeupordie2 says:

    so what if the right path for me is to break in and steal all your things and then kill you? That’s okay right? It’s the “right path” for me.

  • Simplement123 says:

    Dear Shazoolo,
    I have seen a lot of your videos, they are well done; but why do you focus so much on the critic of wicca and the occult ? Why dont you present your views on Jesus Christ ?? Would it be not a suffficiently effective strategy to bring about conversion? Jesus Christ being the only way and all that?

  • sweetcyanide218 says:

    In my religion I look for and find peace, happiness, understanding, strength, hope, love, wisdom, clarity, the ability to love myself in all aspects (gay included), the knowledge to know and understand that no path is the “right path” only the right path for you, etc.
    also, one last thing, jesus is a deity just as apollo, kali, artemis, etc. and in my beliefs all deities are valid. Including jesus. so I’ve found him already, along with his gay lover apollo 😉 (a boy can wish can’t he???? lol)

  • DraculKuroHemming says:

    1. I look for knowledge and strength to better myself.
    2. Actually, I continue to find it every day as I live my life.
    3. I used to look in the wrong place. Its called Christianity.
    4. Correct, the answer is right in front of me…
    5. But not in some person the Christians created.

  • junesperry says:

    I appreciate trying to help people- but this is crap. Coming from a christian background, I NEVER felt any of those things you claim “Jesus” will give me. And I did in fact follow all the religious dogma, I prayed, I felt God in my heart, yet I was never completely happy. Then I left Christianity and bam- HAPPY. Peace. Content. Believe it or not, there are millions of people out there who dont follow the Christian path and yet still manage to be happy, feel they have purpose, etc. Sorry.

  • indigorez1 says:

    Nothing actually, its not Jesus I have a problem with. Its the fact that this video knowingly uses daily questions many people feel time to time to draw you in. So you sit there, you think oh cool this actually might be an objectionable approach to people who find such questions intriguing and then WHAM,,out comes the Jesus stuff.
    Just be honest withe title, Say Hey! PAGANS! THIS IS ABOUT JESUS!..its that simple. Thats all I’m saying. I’m not a pagan or anything , just saying.

  • CrisisWithYouSoul says:

    And what do you have against Jesus?

  • indigorez1 says:

    That was an interesting, thought provoking video and then all the Jesus stuff ruined it. Yuck

  • fonna says:

    ” … God is in the heart and not some book ”

    This is the truest thing I have found in my journey.

  • fonna says:

    They told me to ask an atheists, and read a good ancient history book. woooooo
    woooooooooo, that is alll….woooooo

  • SpiritFilledJohn says:

    For all people who speak to spirits on this video – when you speak to the spirits when you are doing your thing ask them this question – “Has Jesus Christ come in the flesh? Did Jesus come to this earth and die on a cross for the sins of mankind?”. See what they say and you will be suprised. Then read 1 John in the bible. JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE.

  • fonna says:

    “…..You are a child of the universe
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be.
    And whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life,
    keep peace in your soul. …..”

  • fonna says:

    Hello, Shazzy, I thought of you and figured I’d see what you were up to.
    Out of the 5 questions:

    1. Truth, wisdom, knowledge for myself.
    Fullfillment, direction, wholeness, inner peace, I have.
    2. Yes, and it’s a neverending and continuous journey that…I like it alot.
    3. Nope.
    4. Yes it is.
    5. But not there.

    ….and so I leave you with this portion of the Desiderata, by Max Ehrman:

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