The most dangerous magic trick ever. (I’m kind of serious). The Okito Voodoo Dool. Spooky! If you’re thinking strings. Well, just watch the shadows, no strings. There is also no glue involved. That’s what my GF accused me of using. I can assure you, it is a doll made of straw. Nothing else except “magic”
Video Rating: 5 / 5
How’d you do it?
@puppyloveforu Thank you.
Great job, vigil3232…I’ve performed this effect many times, but never once thought of using a glass over the doll to show there are no strings or other attachments used! Very creative! Thanks for the tip, and keep up the good work!
This is gonna be my firts video with over 1000 views. woohoo!!!!!
@bumperboy: very true
@Shiseo96 This is a trick devised by Kenton Knepper. It is called Okitodoll….It’s very clever but could casue problems if you don’t perform it correctly,
How do you do it?And is voodoo tricks real?
@ThePapasBoy …Try penguin magic.
so cool! where can i buy
5 stars!!
cool trick Jeff, i hope you post more vids.5 stars