communicate this by email I give the reader the title of the card and a typewritten interpretation on each card. I give an introduction which explains the deck that I am using and how the reading is to be structured. I usually give a short summary of the overall theme of the reading and offer them the chance to clarify any issues.
If I am doing a short 3 card Tarot Card Reading then I may paste a picture of the Tarot card along side the interpretation. I believe that the visual aspect can be very effective in helping the sitter to understand what I am seeing in the cards. I select the Tarot Cards for that particular querent by shuffling the cards and focusing on their name. I then split them into 3 piles and pick the top card from each pile. I find that the Online Tarot Readings are an effective and convenient method for doing a Tarot Card Reading. The querent has a record of their reading that they can keep and overtime they are able to identify patterns and trends which could have significant meaning for making choices about their lives.
Rachel Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industry and offers services Worldwide to advance spiritualism and world awareness,
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