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Open Mind- Magic Potion The Open Mind, a British Freakbeat/Psych band from London are probably most noted for the now legendary track Magic Potion which appeared as a single and later on their much sought after debut album on Philips in 1969. Fortunately this album was re-released on Antar (ANTAR 2) in 1986 and this has made this classic piece of 60s Freakbeat much more accessible to collectors of 60s psychedelia.

Year: 2007 Album: Victory Songs Song title: One More Magic Potion genre: Viking metal enjoy
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Open Mind- Magic Potion (1969)

  • AndyMac1369 says:

    @Nemcatacoa1 How did a song about booze turn into a conversation like this? Only on Youtube!

  • Nemcatacoa1 says:

    @Nemcatacoa1 And by the way, China is not nearly ok. Most of its population has terrible standards of living. And the white exploitation of china happenned about a century ago. Haven’t you read about the opium wars? The british forced the chinese to buy the opium the british had stolen from India, or else they would blast the shit out of them with their cannons(guess what happens when you force a whole country to do drugs). White “superiority has always only been about having the bigger guns.

  • Nemcatacoa1 says:

    @Nemcatacoa1 which itself was the recipient of technology of (again) rome, greece, egypt, persia, mesopotamia, AND India and even China. The reason “nonwhite” nations are so screwed today is thanks to the highly destabilizing effects of european colonialism, thanks to massive military technological inequality, colonial abuse, staggering racism, wholesale destruction of native culture, and genocide, and these actions can have negative consequences on a population that last hundreds of years.

  • Nemcatacoa1 says:

    @Nemcatacoa1 After all they’ve only been dominant for 500 or so years, while ancient egypt was the most powerful nation in the world for THOUSANDS of years. So why are the white nations powerful today? As I said, coincidence, specifically the lucky position of europe as an easy geographical recipient of the transfer of (especially military) technology from the roman civilization which itself received technology from ancient greece, egypt, mesopotamia and persia, and the medieval muslim world,

  • Nemcatacoa1 says:

    @LokiusMaximus ostly it has to do with coincidence. 1000, or even 600 years ago, the worst place to live was europe. The middle east, China, and India were more advanced, and most places in the world had better living standard. For example, at that time cities of the great native american empires were bigger, had more people, and were cleaner than european cities. Eventually the “white” nations will fall and some other group will rise to power.

  • LokiusMaximus says:


    The only successful nations are white run, with the exception of Japan, China, and South Korea (all of which are 98%+ East Asian). Why is that? Why do all hispanic, black, and sand nigger nations suck? I suppose it’s because of white “exploitation” centuries ago (China seems to have recovered just fine). lmao

  • otomotopia1 says:

    @BloodyVail You know what Eluveitie, Equilibrium, and Ensiferum all have in common? Lots of E’s, U’s, and I’s. XD

  • zeroxcrusher says:

    nationalism along with religion has no place in modern world so stfu about white trash nazis

  • Nemcatacoa1 says:

    @LokiusMaximus For fuck’s sake. You just want to enjoy some awesome folk metal and on the first page of comments you see some bullshit antisemitism and nazi revisionims. Get over yourself, you worthless piece of white trash, and don’t blame other people for your own pathetic failure as a person or as a nation.

  • RememberWhisk says:


  • mpreinke says:

    hello zac

  • appelsappen says:

    @DraceGer cant read what your saying no nazi language here kbai

  • Eriador16 says:

    @BloodyVail SHAME ON YOU !!!!
    there is a big differance in there music…
    Ensiferum is Battlefield/epic Metal and eluveitie is more Folkmetal. and equilibrium dont even get me started….

    a welll thats how i think about there music and i seriously do hear differance…

  • LokiusMaximus says:


    The only reason modern Germans hate the Nazis so much is because Germany, like most the rest of the modern world, is jewish run. Anyone who hates their ancestors is a fucking moron. And thus, you are a fucking moron.

  • AndyMac1369 says:

    @banag11 I like drinking O’dules!

  • Metalflamme says:

    This song is so great the first time i listened to it my head exploded

  • SuperAgaciatko says:

    best song I” ve ever heard

  • DerKopfsammler666 says:

    @falcronthe1 Not really. As far as history tells… Hitler gave jews options to leave the country peacefully… His warnings were ignored and so it has been decided the “Final Solution”… Anyways revisionists also aplies that most deaths on WW2 were actually victims of the typhus epidemy that was on loose on that time period… You can check all on the revisionism site if you want…

  • DerKopfsammler666 says:

    @Grahzelje Sieg Heil!

  • falcronthe1 says:

    @Grahzelje As far as Hitler is concerned, he did do great things: uniting Germany and pulling them out of the worst economic recession in history comes to mind. However, his mindless persecution of people because of race was not among his list of good deeds.

  • falcronthe1 says:

    @Grahzelje not sure what nacizm is…I know of fascism and nazism…were you attempting to combine the two? More to the point, doesn’t it sound just a bit ignorant to say that Gypsies should die because they’re Gypsies? Now typically, I tend to talk about how a lot of people should be killed; but usually it’s due to the fact that a large portion of the populace is stupid.

  • banag11 says:

    m/ <3 Ensi

  • Theone1152 says:

    @TheValzuman They played it on heidenfest here in Slovakia…also Twilight Tavern and Ahti…fucking awesome songs

  • Theone1152 says:

    @Grahzelje I think he should kill more gypsys there are still some left here…they just steal and shit…well not all but like 98% damn

  • rokkastelic says:

    grahzelje, u are nazi if u are thinking this way.
    gypsys have right to live. as we all do. but i agree that we have problems with them is slovenia, because the law doesnt work as it should, so i understand ur frustration although ur thinking is completly wrong.

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