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which as the name suggests has its roots in ancient pagan belief systems. But not all neo-pagans are Wiccans: the term also refers to Druidism, New Age, shamanism, ceremonial magicks, the occult sciences, voodoo, and the revival of any of the other in the myriad of pre-Christian mystical traditions.

The Wicccan Rede

Wiccans live by the Wiccan Rede, a simple benevolent moral code that holds that as long as no one is harmed, “Do what thy wilt”. One popular version of the Rede goes as follows and some simple interpretations follow each portion:

“Bide the Wiccan Law you must,

In perfect love and perfect trust.

(Keep the laws of Wicca lovingly and with perfect trust.)

Live and let live:

Fairly take and fairly give.

(Treat both nature and people as you would like to be treated.)

Cast the circle thrice about,

To keep evil spirits out.

(When making magic, Wiccans usually cast a circle around themselves. They do this three times because the number three stands for the three phases of The Lord and The Lady.)

To bind the spell every time,

Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

(By speaking their spells in rhyme, witches believe it gives the conscious mind something to think about, while the unconscious mind taps the energy of nature and the magic is done.)

Soft of eye and light of touch

Speak little and listen much.

(Wise magic makers are gentle. They listen and learn.)

Deasil go by the waxing moon,

Sing and dance the Witches’ Rune.

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