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To continue listening to this program in either mp3, wma, or Real Audio or to the cd or tape of this episode, click here: Since January 1st, Oprah Winfrey has been offering lessons on the Course in Miracles by New Age author Marianne Williamson on her satellite radio program. Now she is in the midst of a 10 week webcast with New Age author Eckhart Tolle who wrote a book entitled: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. What are these teachings? Ingrid reads quotes from Tolle that attempt to point people to a divinity within themselves, a concept that is wholly unbiblical. Such quotes expose Tolle for what he really is; a promoter of the New Spirituality, or what in the past has been commonly known as the New Age. Ingrid then introduces Warren Smith who is an author of books on the New Spirituality. As a former New Ager, his books include: Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose Driven Church, The Light that was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace, and Reinventing Jesus Christ–The New Gospel. Who is Eckhart Tolle? Smith says that Tolle was born in Germany and educated in London. He came to public attention through his book, The Power of Now–A Guide to Enlightenment. Smith noted that this was a slow moving book until Oprah Winfrey announced that it was one of her favorites. That helped catapult the book to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. This Crosstalk looks at the increased presence of this New

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Oprah and Eckhart Tolle’s New Age Revival (Crosstalk America)

  • CiCie777 says:

    Yes, Jesus is 100% real b/c He speaks to me N I have experienced Him many times in real life where he saved me. I was really sick when I went on a mission trip in Thailand N after a full day of puking non stop N 12 injections by a doctor, a missionary from a different village called N she said she was praying N Jesus told her that someone here is very sick N she said He mentioned a motion sickness pill. I took it N slept all night N woke up the next morning completely fine!!

  • ChristianHamOperator says:

    @CiCie777 AMEN, these New Age cult followers are being blinded by satans deception and of course this is his plan , we as Christians are aware of the falling away and now it’s happening. Stand firm in your faith in our Lord and never waver from his truth. God Bless

  • ChristianHamOperator says:

    May God help Oprah & have mercy on her spirit and those who follow her New Age Heresies

  • dirkschuitsma says:

    100 % real…prove?

  • Aretraes says:

  • sirbumbum says:

    Isn’t one of the teaching of the Bible and Jesus to not judge and turn the other cheek. Only God can judge and just because you believe in him doesn’t give you a one way ticket to heaven, you also have to live and practice the teachings. Helping and informing is completely different from condemning

  • sirbumbum says:

    Look i dont believe in crystals or channelling spirits or anything like that but what Tolle teaches makes a lot of sense and the term “new age” is just away to demonize the teachings. Tolle’s teachings are essentially Buddhism. I think that not identifying with your thoughts is an excellent practice for people that are in a constant state of suffering. Im not knocking christians at all either but all of you people on here condemning people need to take a closer look at what Jesus said.

  • KakkoiGuy1 says:

    @coreymj78 If you knew the depravity and the wickedness behind the lies he’s teaching and that you’re following, you’d get on your knees so quick and repent. Jesus does not like this blasphemous, wicked, false doctrine that this man preaches. He is an anti christ. Not THE ANTI CHRIST but an anti christ. His teachings completely kick at the divinity of Jesus and are completely contrary to Bible Believing Christianity. All his conscious babel doesn’t change the fact that he is in sin outside of JC

  • CiCie777 says:

    There is ONLY ONE GOD! And HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST. He bled N died on the cross for me N He loves me. Everyday He is real in my life and if U ask Him to speak to U, He will, just like He speaks to me. This New age movement may seem like an easy road and it seems more convenient and peaceful then following Christ because it puts you in control for now. Following Christ is harder but it is 100% REAL. And they have no idea where they R going after life! Don’t be deceived, pray and seek truth.

  • locate777 says:

    You need to get out of your old thinking ,I never heard new age talk about hurting anybody,maybe your teachings are the docterons of demons,

  • Enoch2 says:

    @Enoch2 The uniqueness of Jesus, that He is the Son. Not us. Him.
    “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:19
    “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5

  • Enoch2 says:

    @TheDoveLady That ‘quote’ is a lie. Jesus didn’t say that, you’re ‘fudging’ to make Him say what you WANT TO BELIEVe. Jesus explained that HE is the Gate. We are one IN HIM and He is in the Father and the Father in Him (Jn 14:20, 17:21-23). We come to the Father THROUGH HIM. It’s all about Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God who died for our sins and rose again, making those who BELIEVE IN HIM right with the only true GOD. You must be born again through faith in HIM, not in yourself (Jn 15:5)!

  • beautifulcandice601 says:

    the devil is a liar open ur eyes if u believe the bible to be truth (and it is).u clearly can see work of satan

  • Mastirshake says:

    @andyraywesner Jesus warned about these, just goes to show his return is at the doorstep. 2011 will be without many.
    Oprah is leading many threw the wide path to destruction. The narrow path have few foot prints

  • andyraywesner says:

    Let it grow. Fan the flames so that we can get all of this tribulation over with. I’m ready to die for the name of Jesus of Nazareth, who is MY messiah… not Obama or Oprah or Eckhart Tolle. It’s simple folks: Obama = Satan, Oprah = false prophet, Tolle = Antichrist.
    Deal with it.
    It’s in your face and this is the time of the end. What have you been preparing for, hoping for, WATCHING for? Christ is coming back, people! I’m going with Him and not staying with this mess.
    Follow HIM

  • MauricePedro says:

    Religion is and has always been a tool of the power elite. They don’t believe in the things they teach the flock. If priests believed in what they preach, would thousands of children be raped by them, sometimes in the Church itself? Wake up people, this is not Satan this is evolution from ignorance to wisdom.

  • Rileyportbay says:

    All of this New Age occult is from satan. Do NOT be deceived folks!

  • TheDoveLady says:

    You seem to forget that Jesus said of himself he could do nothing. That is true of us as well. It is the Father within that doeth the work. Same with us for we talk to the Father Within just as Jesus said to do in the Lord’s Prayer. So God is within us, not just Jesus. He prayed thus wise, “Father that they may be one with you as I am one with you”. If you don’t see the Christ in all others maybe you are like an anti-Christ because of your blindness.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    christianity it the most dangerous cult mankind has created. thats all i can say.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    sure religions want you to feel worthless and sinful so they can program you to there way of thinking and life you ‘so called “up to there leve.

  • SpiritWanderer50 says:

    Jesus was using psychology there is no such thing as demons. its mental illness.

  • ouano1 says:

    oprah is hopeless… she sold herself to this, her place in the fire is 4 sure, dragging so many with her…

  • neizion says:

    Good luck to you guys. The fear of fundamentalism is blowing its top at the sight of true awakening.

  • sayfadeen6 says:

    never thought OPrah wil do a thing like this

    she was always ralkin about god only

  • deadzior says:

    Namaskar guy is missing the point. Using some word – a great base for making belief (a bound, bias,label)
    Tolle’s about pure essence. Pure essence, not “pure essence”.

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