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Origins Of The Christmas Wreath

Although it may appear a few items down your list of things you think of for decorations at Christmas time (after Christmas trees, lights, presents, and even nativity scenes) the wreath is one of the most enduring holiday symbols that there is. With its roots in pagan history, the wreath can also be regarded as a decoration appropriate to many different faiths, not just Christianity.

Ancient Roots of the Wreath

Laurel wreaths and wreaths made from the leaves of other trees were common among several ancient peoples. People who used this type of symbol included the Druidic cultures of Germania and Britannia as well as the Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks would use the laurel wreath to bestow upon their athletes in the Olympic Games as a sign of the favor of the god Apollo. Romans would use the wreath as a symbol of authority, as would the druidic cultures.

The circular shape of the wreath was widely accepted to represent eternity (a circle has no beginning and no end). In the case of the Greeks, Apollo’s wreath symbolized an eternal love for a goddess. The Romans held authority in great esteem, and the wreath represented the eternal nature though to be bestowed upon rulers of the empire. For druidic and other cultures that utilized the wreath, the circle symbolized a continuation of nature that surpassed the time line of earthly beings.

In Britain and Germany, the traditions of the druids often became intertwined with those of the Romans during the occupation of these lands. Thus, several Roman celebrations began to incorporate druid practices, and vice versa. By the time the Romans left Britain, the influence of Christianity was also a crucial factor in the

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