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Our Spiritual Journey, Ready Set Seek


Just like a snow flake, we reach to melt in belonging, and we call this phenomenon spirituality. It gives us purpose to feel more than what we already know.

Spiritual seeking for us is a essential for many who yearn for a sense of belonging. Just like a turtle that is just hatched and knows to go directly to the ocean, and swims for years and later to come back to the same shores where it was born. And it does it without a compass, maybe the compass is built in. If we were to take a lesson from the little turtles then we too will understand that we as humans are searching to go back to where we belong, this too is built in us. The search has forever been if we look at our past. Our known history has left clues for us to realize the importance our ancestors have placed on spirituality. Be it ancient Greeks or Aztecs, or the magnificent buildings that ancient Egyptians have built for their spiritual masters. If a person does not cultivate the power of heart towards compassion, how can it find its way home? As majority of us feel pure when we act upon the kindness that is within our hearts, that takes us home even for a little moment we feel joyous.

Our inhabitants is round about seven billion on earth and out of seven billion of us, about over six billion of us feels that we need to feel spiritual. We just tend to label our spirituality different. But at the end of the day it is individual. Yet to share same faith, same point of view seems more fruitful for many of us, thus there are religions. And many of us search a personal light personal heaven either within or outside. Know the world in yourself. Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written, and the book

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