Part 3 of 6: Jazz Composer and Performer Dr. Nelson Harrison concludes his explanation on the metaphysics of music. Host is Pittsburgh Theosophical Society President Andy Nesky. Video Rating: 4 / 5
A very brief introduction to Aristotle’s metaphysics Video Rating: 4 / 5
27 Responses to Outer Streams, Metaphysics of Music Part 3 of 6
Hearing music complete while sleep and composing lyrics while awake and conscious are two different pathways to creativity. The latter pathway is more linear and involves the intellect so the words come in sequence like a sentence. Conversely, music can be heard holistically and understood in toto in the right temporal lobe of the brain which has the advantage of parallel processing.
Not connecting the dots or seeing the correlation of the two statements is typical of the serial processing intellect which most people use exclusively as a lense to discern differences between variables in their awareness. They see heads OR tails as contradictiory but not that they are aspects on the same coin.
he talks about songs coming all at once then a couple seconds latter lyrics come to writers word by word and they dont know whats coming next. kinda contradictory.
You should consider an online philosophy class. I am in your ethics class and I really think people would be intersted in taking philosphy classes on line instead of being in class. These videos are really good.
Plato, and other philosophers before him (most notably, Pythagoras), had an extremely mystical view of numbers and of math. Think of the computer code in the virtual world of the Matrix (the movie). Neo’s virtual world would be analogous to our visible world, i.e., not entirely real. The real world, for Plato, would be the computer code (the topos noetos). From Plato’s perspective, if you could read the code (mathematics), you would be able to understand the nature of ultimate reality.
@rlbaldwin2 yep, this is brilliant stuff
Absolutely…The holistic approach reguarding music has always been my way of meditation or concentration..
Hearing music complete while sleep and composing lyrics while awake and conscious are two different pathways to creativity. The latter pathway is more linear and involves the intellect so the words come in sequence like a sentence. Conversely, music can be heard holistically and understood in toto in the right temporal lobe of the brain which has the advantage of parallel processing.
Not connecting the dots or seeing the correlation of the two statements is typical of the serial processing intellect which most people use exclusively as a lense to discern differences between variables in their awareness. They see heads OR tails as contradictiory but not that they are aspects on the same coin.
Music IS mediataion.
melodic dictation, as well as realising its accompaniment, is possible to concieve without ‘meditation’. but then agan wat is meditation?
finally someone who says my thoughts about the piano, be careful when playin dead peoples music and allowing their spirit to help
hes a bit lost
he talks about songs coming all at once then a couple seconds latter lyrics come to writers word by word and they dont know whats coming next. kinda contradictory.
All musicians should watch this series.
2:40 – 3:16 – We are simply vessels of the universal muse. ~ Ty …
thank you
No more Playdo 4 me, I move on to dialectic materialisme commi style.
Thanks WMiller24 for uploading these very informative videos.
To me the computer code in The Matrix is a great analog for the ‘neutral monist’ concept. A wotrldview I’m toying with.
Interested in your thoughts on that, if any.
I forgot to mention: there is no ‘thing-in-itself’.
Aristotle’s ontology was rather a mess, in my view. But he did give us A=A, the basis for all philosophy, so I thank him for that.
Talking of a table’s ‘purpose’ is nonsensical. Ironically, it seems, he didn’t understand the power of ‘identity’ in regard to forms himself.
Thanks you soooooooooo much. Great video.
“There is no form without matter, there is no matter without form”
Why everyone philosophy teacher
is always giving an example with TABLE ?! In Poland, in Cracow, we have the same: “let`s talk about table…”
Do you have a video on Aristotle’s DeAnima?
You should consider an online philosophy class. I am in your ethics class and I really think people would be intersted in taking philosphy classes on line instead of being in class. These videos are really good.
Plato, and other philosophers before him (most notably, Pythagoras), had an extremely mystical view of numbers and of math. Think of the computer code in the virtual world of the Matrix (the movie). Neo’s virtual world would be analogous to our visible world, i.e., not entirely real. The real world, for Plato, would be the computer code (the topos noetos). From Plato’s perspective, if you could read the code (mathematics), you would be able to understand the nature of ultimate reality.
How do you consider Plato and mystic, but concede he relies on mathematics? Aren’t the two almost complete opposites?
I’m glad I can be of assistance.
You are helping me pass my exam. Thanks!