Great Documentary! Credit goes to … At the foot of the mountain, a small boy sits wriggling in his fathers arms, giggling at the strange figure dancing before him. Wearing a deer-skin coat hung with ribbons, pieces of antler, arcane symbols forged in iron, on his head a masked, feathered headdress, the shaman dances to the rhythm of his own drum, chanting and intoning; lost in trance. All of a sudden, he sits down and beckons for the boy to be passed to him. Still laughing, but also nervous, the small boy is put under the drum, the thundering rhythm loud in his ears. Father and mother look on worriedly: will this be too much for their child? From the pine tree above, its branches hung with blue silk prayer scarves left there as offerings by previous supplicants to the Lord of the Mountain, an eagle looks down on the proceedings, stormclouds gather in the distance. Two cawing ravens flap by on the quickening wind. The horses, grazing outside the circle of noise and movement, swish their tails and look up, ears pricked as the shaman drops his drum, hugs the boy to him and then, with a great shriek, lifts the boy to the heavens, mingling his prayers with those of the mother and father. Please help this child. Lord of the Mountain, help this child. In April 2004 Rowan Isaacson, a two year old boy, was diagnosed with autism. The new epidemic, which now touches one child in one hundred and fifty (though no one can agree why), seemed to snatch away …
Video Rating: 5 / 5 Today’s guest is Rupert Isaacson. An Author, Journalist and Human Rights activist for displaced indigenous tribes and most importantly a dedicated father of an autistic boy called Rowan. We are very honored to have Rupert and his wife Kristin on air to discuss their amazing journey that took the family across the unspoilt planes of Mongolia on horse back to find healing for their son, all through the various indigenous shamans and healers living in the area. Rupert has chronicled his family’s amazing and brave journey through his book, “The Horse Boy” and a soon to be release film scheduled to hit our screens later this year. The full 1 hour and 20 minute interview can be listened to here About the Book When his son Rowan was diagnosed with autism, Rupert Isaacson was devastated, afraid he might never be able to communicate with his child. But when Isaacson, a lifelong horseman, rode their neighbor’s horse with Rowan, Rowan improved immeasurably. He was struck with a crazy idea: why not take Rowan to Mongolia, the one place in the world where horses and shamanic healing intersected? THE HORSE BOY is the dramatic and heartwarming story of that impossible adventure. In Mongolia, the family found undreamed of landscapes and people, unbearable setbacks, and advances beyond their wildest dreams. This is a deeply moving, truly one-of-a-kind story–of a family willing to go to the ends of the earth to help their son, and of a …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i thought he opened a window
When God closes one door, He always opens another…. So true isn’t it?
The official european edition DVD of The Horse Boy is now available at wwwDOTgilliannaysmithDOTcom
i watched the documentary on tv just a minute ago it was so touching that i started to cry many times and i dont cry easely! rupert youre the most amazing dad ive ever seen thanks to your “madness” your son went through miracles
wish my dad were like you 
Thank you Rupert!
I alway thought that would work – you prooded it.
I will start this year in Germany with a project for autistic children and horses.
If I still had doubts until now, you have taken them away – thank you so much!
I just watched The Horse Boy on TV and was very touched and amazed by the wonderful journey Rowan and his parents took through Mongolia. What a courageous trip and beautiful results…the Shamen did great work with Rowan and his family, very encouraging and inspiring for anyone who deals with autisme. And what beautiful country Mongolia is…my sincere compliments for taking this journey and making this film. Thank you.
Love is all that count on earth and this story seems to remember us that is still there.
Yes, thanx mate. he is my bro actually!
Respect to the Shaman who cured Rupert’s kid.
great book, i could not put it down. i have a child in Special ed. my father introduced her to the horses at a local stable, and she is 110% hooked. Like Rowan in this book, my daughter is the horsey girl, an dhas a gift with horses.
horses do heal, it may be unconventional, but, what ever works.
a must read for everyone, truely inspiring.
Wonderful story! I am currently reading the book and I know how hard having a child with autism can be because i work with them…I loooove working with them and I am glad that Rowan is doing better!