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Our 5v5 team fighting a quad-boxing shaman from our battlegroup.

25 Responses to Owned by Quad Box Shaman

  • colt450011 says:

    @Charmage im pretty sure its Jim’s cooldown pulse. Check my other WoW videos, someone asked in the comments in one of them and I actually knew the name back then… This video is 2 years old i just realized hahah!!

  • Charmage says:

    what was the name for the addon that shows mind blast in middle of screen when its rdy

  • skoudone says:

    “they’re all targetting me” <- ahahahaah

  • liquidgypsy420 says:

    LOL that’s 3pic!! i <3 the guy that was like "what should we do.. want me to run over and like die? they all targeting me aren't they rofl!!! i ran heroics with him awhile back, very talented, i tanked, he healed and did dps!! wtg

  • dizwiz12 says:

    lol the guy you faced was undefeated that season

  • TheAnonymouslulz says:

    Paying for World of warcraft x5 burning crusade x5 wrath of the lich king x5 and then hes paying for 5 wow accounts each month

  • walkertexasranger33 says:

    hots dont really do much against a good focus fire especially when its a pali healing

  • PeMaManiac says:

    haha multi boxin aint fair :>
    Shamans cant be beaten that way : >

  • antstairs says:

    yo man I just came across this video after so long, I was the frost mage antwon btw lol i remembered we got it up on youtube

  • realmiker says:

    yeah if you get beaten by those that guy has no life:)

  • Belgiumguy99 says:

    You want this game free?? pm me your email for lockerz invite for free games, ipod’s, iphone’s, etc!! (also for europe!)

  • mrgibblz says:

    i think you should have aoe burned them down cuz they have to stay together then just heal everyone up with hots or something

  • alfegil says:

    hey, can i join your marketing business 😛

  • HuHuBerLin43 says:

    pwned 😀

  • gadzy says:

    I’m sure. 😉

  • FatKittensMedia says:

    You are still not getting it.
    Good for you.

    filling out survyes isn’t marketing you fucked up baby. That’s just labour. And why would you EVER do that when the survey companies make more than you, there again, you are getting yourself a boss, you fucked up asscrack baby.

    And you know what else I do.
    I trade foreign currencies.
    Using the internet of course.

    It’s called forex, look it up noob.
    Even on my first day I doubled the money I traded with.
    Now over 90% of my trades are successfu

  • gadzy says:

    How terrible. What will i ever do with my life when i can’t fill out Internet surveys for a dollar each.

  • OrcWyvern says:

    what can I say?
    warrior didn’t fear , shaman didn’t ground totem the lighting shield, none of the rest even tried to interrupt any shaman.

    Multiboxers are not that great, just know how to impair them and they will die because in reallity is just one person, they can’t multi target, the best is to CC them all and interrupt any, they always fall.

  • FatKittensMedia says:

    No guide for you my friend, because your an asshole.
    Did you not understand the not working for a boss sentence?

  • FatKittensMedia says:

    I see you really don’t understand what I meant.
    You see, I’m 15 and run a hugely successful internet marketing business earning me over $5,000 every single day and rises more and more the more effort I put into it.

    I know of one adult that does similar things that rakes in $50,000 / day and another one that does big marketing launches earning him millions in days. The record so far is $20 million in 24 hours.

  • gadzy says:

    I’ll laugh at you when you end up behind the counter in a wall-mart or such. Earning $5 an hour.

  • mcquaide1 says:

    IF ONLY u had all warriors with shield block then u might of owned them 8)

  • FatKittensMedia says:

    But I’m currently working on some new PPC campaigns so I haven’t started this one.

    And btw. Youtube is just ONE of the sites I use.
    What I do is build my own web properties on many websites and dominate all of google’s top 10 rankings so all the traffic will come to me.

    From videos, my own websites, article directories, ect.

    Now shut up because you can’t deny that I make money. What is so no believable? Do you have any idea how many use the internet or how big the stock market is?

  • FatKittensMedia says:

    Good job detective, but…
    It’s a campaign I’m about to fucking start. I haven’t started it yet.

    And people won’t need to see comments (there won’t be any) or anything to trust me, because they will become interested and check the site out.

    And then its up to them and the website to get them to sign up (convert).

    And you searched for my videos using the names of them? lol I pick keywords you jerk, and rank for them by building hyperlinked backlinks telling google exactly what to do.

  • crazykid1996 says:

    I searched all of your video names on google, your video wasnt there, currently you have around 300 views, NO one saying they will sign up, you look dodgy as hell, (no info at all) and you have 1 comment which is hate. No one is going to fall for it without an image.

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