@DREwestcoast Right ye are. But also hypocrite is a hypocrite term, since it always involves a rather personal, value-driven, relative view on things, isn’t it?
@UJS8X -I do agree, to an extent.Though, this seems more to be more about a “community of outlaws” a support system for those that reject the majority of “straight” society’s rules and trappings. The PAGANS have one of the most interesting history’s of all 1% mc’s. I have a few PAGAN associates-and I definitely support those guys.
@UJS8X Right. Outlaw doesn’t mean you’re out of anything else as well. You’re only just out of law. Still use the same tirematerial on the same roads driven by the same gasoil like you’re so called enemies. The only true biker is the biker who runs everything alone.
@UJS8X you can’t compare the brotherhood and the tight-knit group that they are to society, where nobody’s there for you, and you got to fend for yourself
While what I said in the first comment isn’t untrue, I’ll try to give you a more concise answer:
When I was a kid living there in the late 60’s and 70’s there was still a lot of class-ism in the Valley. If you didn’t live right in Berdoo, you didn’t really go into Berdoo, that was looking for trouble (Check out the story about Frank Zappa’s arrest to confirm this).
I think a lot of people living out toward the peaks and the Red Lands just got tired of having no opportunity and made their own.
Have you ever been to the Valley?
All we do is sit in our trailers and prefab homes, work as extras in the bad B movies that are made out there and fight and fuck.
If some one creates a criminal syndicate the town hails him as an entrepreneur and thanks him for the job opportunity.
When I went to school at NYU midtown there was a group of “motorcycle enthusiasts” that lived next to me. Always perfect gentlemen and would always run over to open the door for me. One night I missed the last train out our way and a fellow leaving that house recognized me and walked the 4 blocks back with me to make sure I got home safe. I didn’t realize until YEARS, and I mean years, later what the patches on their jackets meant (I’m originally from San Bernardino, no Pagans out there).
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@Primordialfan1 you keep telling yourself that.
I’m more than a butfucking Angel will EVER be.
You cunt
@Primordialfan1 fuck you too bitch. you aint shit.
Fuck you Angels faggot.
East Coast Madness is Alive & Well,,,,,,watch the Madness grow..!! Support 16’s Forever..!!!
@DREwestcoast Ok, I take it for fair.
@DREwestcoast Ok, I take it for fair.
@inspiralroses maybe, but not this time.
@DREwestcoast Right ye are. But also hypocrite is a hypocrite term, since it always involves a rather personal, value-driven, relative view on things, isn’t it?
@prototype615h he makes people shit.
CALIFORNIA..where it all started with the big red machine.. all other clubs are just copy catting the H.A.,support your local 81.
@inspiralroses what’s racism anyway, it’s such an hypocrite term nowadays
that guy is a chemistry genious
SUPPORT 16’S..!!!!
@UJS8X -I do agree, to an extent.Though, this seems more to be more about a “community of outlaws” a support system for those that reject the majority of “straight” society’s rules and trappings. The PAGANS have one of the most interesting history’s of all 1% mc’s. I have a few PAGAN associates-and I definitely support those guys.
Racists everywhere? True enough, but who wants to admit? Political correctness? Fuck it …
@UJS8X Right. Outlaw doesn’t mean you’re out of anything else as well. You’re only just out of law. Still use the same tirematerial on the same roads driven by the same gasoil like you’re so called enemies. The only true biker is the biker who runs everything alone.
@UJS8X you can’t compare the brotherhood and the tight-knit group that they are to society, where nobody’s there for you, and you got to fend for yourself
If you want to know about the history read “Riding On The Wild Side” by John Hall. Support 16’s…!
While what I said in the first comment isn’t untrue, I’ll try to give you a more concise answer:
When I was a kid living there in the late 60’s and 70’s there was still a lot of class-ism in the Valley. If you didn’t live right in Berdoo, you didn’t really go into Berdoo, that was looking for trouble (Check out the story about Frank Zappa’s arrest to confirm this).
I think a lot of people living out toward the peaks and the Red Lands just got tired of having no opportunity and made their own.
Have you ever been to the Valley?
All we do is sit in our trailers and prefab homes, work as extras in the bad B movies that are made out there and fight and fuck.
If some one creates a criminal syndicate the town hails him as an entrepreneur and thanks him for the job opportunity.
The Pagan’s are the Baddest Motorcycle Club in the Land..! Support 16’s..!!
Isn’t San Bernardino the birthplace of Black Flag,Pennywise and Hells Angels? What’s up in the Valley?
I remember that “Stinky Pink” crank. That shit was fukin great !!
When I went to school at NYU midtown there was a group of “motorcycle enthusiasts” that lived next to me. Always perfect gentlemen and would always run over to open the door for me. One night I missed the last train out our way and a fellow leaving that house recognized me and walked the 4 blocks back with me to make sure I got home safe. I didn’t realize until YEARS, and I mean years, later what the patches on their jackets meant (I’m originally from San Bernardino, no Pagans out there).