each subset practices. One of the major differences between Wicca and pagans is that a certain group within Paganism devotes much time and energy to reconstruction. This is the study of how ancestral peoples practiced those religions that have survived in one form or another into the modern age, with the goal of keeping modern practice as true to original traditions as possible. Therefore, Hellenic, Celtic, Khemtic and other traditions based on location can have very different rituals from Wiccan, or indeed other pagans.
Just keep in mind that wherever you go to practice, the rituals will vary greatly (sometimes by enormous degrees). It’s important to embrace only the practices that you feel comfortable with in any pagan ritual. Because there are so many different forms of practice, you really need to understand what you are getting into before embarking on a journey in any new group of practicing people. It’s not surprising that the retention rates of most new people to a group or coven is extremely low. I know that it took me a long time to find people I was comfortable with.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about pagan rituals here:
…and ask her any question here:
A clip from the Women and Spirituality trilogy from Alive Mind Media. Buy the DVD at www.womenandspirituality.net.
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