“The prophecies of Pleiades” from the cd “Celestial Entrance”.Pagans mind Live at Hell Blues 2004.Awesome and unique!!!! Impressionante performance dei Pagans Mind.Raro se non unico materiale live esistente del gruppo
Video Rating: 4 / 5
“The prophecies of Pleiades” from the cd “Celestial Entrance”.Pagans mind Live at Hell Blues 2004.Awesome and unique!!!! Impressionante performance dei Pagans Mind.Raro se non unico materiale live esistente del gruppo
Video Rating: 4 / 5
q tal voz, q tal grupo
Thanks. Gather an education in writing.
@TheTrueFortress they formed in the 90’s gather facts
ma e feminello
Thanks. The most recent Dream Theater album is the first I haven’t bought since I discovered the band with its debut all those years ago. Just don’t care anymore. It’s Pagan’s Mind all the way for me. And, of course, the GODLY Fates Warning.
That’s how I feel about all this. Couldn’t say it better. Agreed on absolutely everything which is a rare thing
there is one now, I think… =)
Yeah ! Pagan’s Mind LOL
Some parts certainly remember to “Learning to live”
with that begining it’s a pitty they didn’t have some visual effects “pink floyidian” kind
To give credit where credit is due, however: Pagan’s Mind’s sound wouldn’t exist without there having been a Dream Theater. Images & Words album, specifically.
Crap, listen to this. It’s spot-on. Pagan’s Mind truly is one of the finest groups recording and touring this decade.
Pagan’s Mind is everything I had hoped Dream Theater would become post its first few records. Never materialized. Not to mention Nils’ talents outshine James’ by a large margin. And Jorn is a vastly more interesting guitar player than is John.
But I still support DT, regardless.
However, Pagan’s Mind is one of my absolute fave “new” bands.
I dont care who the hell is better, if circus, pagans, andromeda, dream.
I just like them all in its different styles of aproaching Prog rock metal.
Well, they recorded some at the consert at november the 1st at Rockefeller, Norway, this year. Dont know anything about the release though.
Its a tribute ffs
i wish they would put out a damned dvd already! they promised one back in 2005, but the audio was messed up and they had to scrap it or something like that
I think he forgot his lyrics here and there, but that’s okay because that vocalist is fucking amazing anyway.. The rest of the band too, by the way… ANd I’m seeing them live soon.
great song.
ah sorry dude i was the stupid ass there, i disagree with you though!
Mindless noodeling , Dream Theater will never be as creative as Images and Words , both John and Mike’s ego’s got to dam big! lol. Don’t get me wrong Dream Theater has and always have great musicians in the band but If I want to listen to 15 minutes of scales I’ll pop an instructional video in the old VCR.
ignorant comment? no just opinionated.
stupid ass? I wont bother responding to that one.
ignorrant comment, listen to scenes from a memory or octavaruim you stupid ass
Get used to the fact that dumb fuckers are gonna call every prog band a DT clone.
A list of obvious differences.
Pagan’s Mind:
1)Doesnt have elaborate Petrucci solos
2)Is pretty simple.. almost always 4/4. Compound time and odd meter is almost non-existent. The use and abuse of odd meter is easily DT’s most obviously prominent characteristic. It is absent here.
3)Very obvious vocal differences. Nils has more contrast and LaBrie goes for the clean pretty boy thing.
This DT and PM argument is annoying the shit out of me. WHO CARES! Both bands are equally as talented and both have their OWN distinct ORIGINAL sounds. That’s that, both bands are extremely talented and amazing, that’s all that should be said. People, everyone has their own opinion and to argue over DT and PM HHA! that’s a joke.
But anyways doesn’t Jorn Viggo look like Paul Gilbert from afar? lol
This song was actually a tribute to that Dream theater song….. thats why they are so similar.. do some research before you open your mouth. honestly though, i like this style of music more than dream theater. i like how its more ambient.. and more about out of body experiences… this band has really got me thinking about so many things. SUCH A GREAT BAND!