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Question by Violet: Pagans mocking Christians?
When I first heard the song ‘Zombies for Jesus’ around a bon-fire at a Wiccan festival, I thought it was hilarious, especially when several people got up and did the ‘Zombie walk’ with blank stares on their faces.

The more time I spent with Wiccan and pagan groups, the more of a rampant disdain and mockery of Christianity I noticed.

Sometimes, however, I felt this went too far. There was one mock public ritual in particular at a festival that was set up as a pagan version of the 10 commandments that truly disgusted me. The girlfriend of one of the Bards was Catholic, and she walked away in tears. She had been hesitant about attending the festival, but was assured that people of all faiths were welcome, and would be treated with respect, and viewed as equals. Most people saw nothing wrong with the parody.

So my question to Wiccans and pagans…where do you draw the line at poking fun at Christians? Under what circumstances do you feel justified and why?
Funny you should say that Brooke…that particular ritual was organized by the coven of the President of the Pagan Federation of Canada, and was held on her property. She loved it.
Oh dear, there are so many awesome posts here! I really hate having to let this go to vote, but I cannot possibly choose just 1 of you.

Let’s just hope that the ‘right’ people vote in adequate numbers for one of my favourites to be chosen. oops, did I say that? *poke* heheh

Wonderful answers guys. Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by ????su?s Consiglieri
Sometimes years of physical and mental persicution takes time to forgive.

Give your answer to this question below!

26 Responses to Pagans mocking Christians?

  • Nightwind says:

    A couple rules of thumb for me:
    Is the purpose for humor or insult? If the purpose is to depict a group as being stupid, clearly it shouldn’t be said.

    Would I be willing to say this joke to a moderate member of the group it pokes fun of? If I’m not, it’s probably more insulting than parodying.

    Can I describe what I’m doing as “mocking”? Then I shouldn’t do it. We can have fun without mocking.

    Would I appreciate a similar comment/joke being said about my religion? If not, I shouldn’t be saying it.

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