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Dedicated to all Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans. Blessed Be! I OWN NOTHING!!! IMAGES TAKEN FROM YAHOO, FLICKR, AND OTHER SITES.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

25 Responses to Pagan/Wicca- The Witch’s Song

  • shagonaby14 says:

    @GothicGirlBassist ah thank you, im still learing. moms a wiccan she’s still teaching me new things. thank you for suming that up.

  • GothicGirlBassist says:

    @shagonaby14 Well, I am a Witch and a Pagan and I’m certainly not evil. Not all Pagans are Witches but most are.

  • shagonaby14 says:

    witches are evil wiccans and pagans are good. witches call upon darkness and wiccans call upon the earth and moon. right?

  • DontJudgeABooksCover says:

    I love the pic at :45 it so fits me, one time I was at my best friends cousions house wit my best friend and I like I dropped my bag and my book of shadows came out and so did my pentacle and my fiend was like “OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?” ans I was like “It’s my pentacle” and I had to explain to him what it was and he was like “Put that AWAY before someone I know sees!” and I was like “You’re scared of a pentacle? I should be more afriad of ur cross!” and I had to explain everything to himLol

  • Parleblues says:

    Sisters? yep cause guys have nothing to do with it?

  • TeenWitchboy says:

    because you know god has more power than a witch.

  • cazangelcat says:

    Thanks Gothic Girl for the details about this music. Yet another song for me to download from Itunes. I love your use of the pictures in your clip. You’ve got some great music on your channel. Thanx again.

    Blessed Be )O( Caz

  • SweetDanger1221 says:

    @openairpreacher Why would you say that?

  • SweetDanger1221 says:

    @openairpreacher now why would you say something like that?

  • SweetDanger1221 says:

    @openairpreacher now why would you say something like that?

  • SweetDanger1221 says:

    Beautiful song and great job on the video.

  • GothicGirlBassist says:

    @openairpreacher Um, if you are meaning that in a derogatory way, I must ask why are you watching Pagan/Witch videos in the first place knowing that this was made specifically for Witches/Pagans?

  • openairpreacher says:

    witches are nuts

  • Lunaavatarlover says:

    loved it 😀 mostly the part @ 3:45

  • lilmissannette says:

    beautiful song

  • Takiado says:

    @GothicGirlBassist yeah cause Im straight up pagan and I still take part in spellwork, i think people forget that wiccans aren’t the only spellcasters of society.. however what im about to say is off topic, but I respect all magical people and that includes wiccans.
    Blessed Be~

  • singersdestiny101 says:

    wat song is this?

  • zeuschild1 says:

    wonderful song. we are here because of the wind, rain, sun and air. They are the soul of the Mother and we are her children. Blessed Be.

  • GothicGirlBassist says:

    I did find a graphic that said Male Witch with a pic of a handsome man with long dark hair wearing a black robe-like jacket. He was surrounded by books and a cauldron. I loved the photo but I think I found it after making this video.

  • GothicGirlBassist says:

    I’d just said earlier that I loved being a Witch 🙂 I did a quick spell which has never failed me yet, which is a simple visualization to find a lost object. I found it within 10 seconds of opening my eyes 🙂

  • GothicGirlBassist says:

    It’s on The Craft Soundtrack and it’s by Juliana Hatfield.

  • steev75 says:

    very nice video. i love this song too.

  • magiashkii says:

    wonderful artwork…and song. Only thing I have a conplaint about is the absence of male figures in a lot of Wiccan things. There are many male wiccans out there.

  • ab161991 says:

    I love this song sooo much its soooo beautiful. it puts a smile to my face. I <3 being a witch thank you so much for posting it

  • Ladyluna24 says:

    How do you get invited to a witches ball? I have never even herd of one until now.

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