Palestinian history and schoolbooks enthuse about Nazism’s ideals; but ignore its genocidal and racist war mongering.
For Palestinian papers and text books, they are the new heirs of ‘revolutionary concepts.’ The Muslims and Arabs largely view Nazism as an experiment – a revolution which though valid, somehow failed. A 2006 Palestinian newspaper article outlined with great pride the ways in which different foreign leaders have identified the Palestinians [aka Arabs], as examples of ideal revolutionaries. The first such leader was of course der Fuehrer himself. [Al-Rissala (Hamas Weekly), May 18, 2006]
The official Palestinian Authority daily paper has also praised the rewriting of history and doing honor and “justice” to Hitler’s reputation and historical import. The article written in 2000 says, ‘There are elderly people, among them Arabs, who still carry the name Hitler since their fathers, who were charmed by him, linked them [their children] with his name.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), April 13, 2000]. Another official state article explained the phenomenon of naming Palestinians after Hitler and his Nazi General Rommel: ‘Sometimes parents name their children with foreign names, due to the father’s admiration to a foreign personality.’ [Al-Ayyam, November 15, 2001 “Woman’s Voice” supplement.] Hiter and Rommel are to be admired?
Many Arabs hold with pride the historically gross and disgusting fact that the Arab leader in British Palestine, the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was actively allied with Hitler during the 1930s and World War II. The numerous meetings between the Mufti and Hitler are well documented. Muslims fought alongside the SS. Hitler’s determination to rid the world of