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Qajar dance “Golestan-e Pars” depicts lady friends gathered together in a Qajar garden in Shiraz of over 100 years ago moving to correct and pure classical Persian music performed by Katherine St.John’s Eastern Arts from WorlDance 2 DVD
Video Rating: 4 / 5

19 Responses to Persian Qajar metaphysical dance “Golestane Pars”

  • artnourishesthesoul says:

    Dr Llyod Miller,

    The more we become separated from the music, dance and song that those before us have passed down the more we fall prey to dummy gods of corporations. The more we lose valuable connections with our roots in humanity.

    I totally agree with you.

    I have never heard Persian folk music before today. You did an interview on NPR and I was moved to learn more.

    I hope you will share more via this medium.

    Thank you for allowing yourself to be a bridge.

    Mad respect.

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Thank you for your comment. Who were you parents in case I knew them? So the first music is santur by master Habib Somai in the old style of many decades ago. The first solo is setar by Dr. Daryush Safvat playing Dastgah Mahur. The second is long ago vocal master Qamar el-Moluk, the Asian girl is dancing to Herati folk music by Wali Khan and Lloyd Miller, the teacup dance is to santur by master Majid Kiyani and the book dance is to ney and zarb (drum). Lloyd Miller

  • AradiaofLasVegas says:

    This was just beautiful, my Granparents lived in Iran during the 70’s, I love the dance/music and culture!! Can you tell me who/what the music is used during the dance? Thank you!

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Thank you for the last comments. Yes it is vital to have totally authentic traditional music without any Western influence at all to be able to render correct Eastern dance. We hope that everyone will eventually abandone the use of any Western or modernized music in favor of ethnic instruments and old traditional music for Eastern dances. Dr. Lloyd Miller

  • pauljmeyer1 says:

    I enjoyed this also as much for the wonderful music as the dance.

  • dinahanastasia says:

    Eindrucksvoll , elegant , expressiv . Tolle Choreographie und Graziöse Tänzerinen !

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    But still so sad because, u see, even if we strugle…the real music will become something expensive and inaccesible for people…because it cannot be comercialized…

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    You bring words with meaning, friend.I am wondering…what can they feel for that fake music?…The music is a human way to express his feelings, from the begginings the humans express they self trought music…so it must come from human heart…soul !

    The fans of the western music are manipulated like sheeps by those who win moneys.I will not alow my soul to be comercialized…Never!

    The earth is involving….

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Fans of true tradition are being captured by the movement to unify the world’s tastes by cpmpanies who are selling the loud obnoxious thumping electronic sound because it is easier to sell. But we can make a difference if we all keep reminding everyone who we can reach that over 40 years of noise instead of music is enough and now it is time to use our intelects to appreciate music, We can just say no to rock, pop, noise and fake synthesized westernized counterfiets. Dr. Lloyd Miller

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    The fans of the traditional cutltures ramaines a small minority and..still going down…Why? Because the fire of Media`s manipulation burn us all…i have friends who laugh at me when i’m telling them what kind of music i am listening to…It’s sad..because the humankind it`s stoped from it’s spiritual evolution…From they`re powerfull feelings…

    Respect !

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Dear Dragovoda, it is wonderful to find such a nice fan of good dance. We try to keep the real thing alive but one or two little people can’t do much against the huge multinational corporations whose goal it is to wipe out all traditional cultures and replace them with contemporary junk products. We all need to fight against this day and night, everyone who is aware. Because THEY are too big to ever overcome unless the whole world rises up in protest. Dr.Lloyd Miller

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    The problem is the Media who doesn’t know to brings us something about real culture…The real culture die under the new modern silly music.But with guys like you all i don’t need to fear because u maintain the culture alive.


  • DRAGOVODA says:

    Hope to see soon some irani dance or music groups here in Romania…:(

    a romanian fan of irani music

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Greetings again. Of course Romania, we have had some Romanian dance groups perform at our festivals and once a group of girls from Klujnapolka stayed at our house, nery nice people and yes speaking a Latin language; we could understand some from knowning a little Spanish and Italian. You are right real authentic instruments are necessary for metaphysical dance and to keep the true cultures alive. Electronic modernized music is trying to replace everything and destroy our roots. Dr. Lloyd Miller

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    If u say about me…I’m from Romania and my name is Dragosh a slavic name.But we are latin we don’t speak slavic language but i know u told me “hello” and “thank you”.
    Well…i always saw on youtube just some bunch of western attemps on recreating persian dances…but i respect what is original ! There must be that mistycal relation between the traditional instruments and the one who something metaphisic.

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Dobre din, spasiba. I think you are from a Sabvic land. Thank you for your kind remarks. What we have found is that insistance on only the most pure and oldest traditional music for all our dances results in an aura of authenticity that most dance companies cannot access. I feel that maybe up to 90% of a dance performance value depends on music. With authentic traditional instruments, the dance looks great. But with modernized, electronic, pop or semi-pop it can’t no matter what. Dr. L. Miller

  • DRAGOVODA says:

    Finally i see pure iranian dances on youtube!!!!

  • easternartskstjohn says:

    Shokr be khodetun khanom-e Anahita va sepas-e faravan ke karemuno tamasha kardeid. Thank you Anahita for your kind words and for watching our video. Dr. Lloyd Miller

  • anahitanahit says:

    Merci Excellent

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