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We scared our friend shitless. This is just part of the 5 hour prank.
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27 Responses to Peter Answers Prank – Jared is scared by demons

  • tci67 says:

    lol milk is my beer! LOL

  • nikeshocksshocks says:

    I think his drunk… hehe! with a milk LOL!

  • dragonp67 says:

    the trick is yo instead of putting peter(comma) you put peter (period and write ur asnwer and it will appear as if ur typing peter, please answer the following question the press enter type ur question and it will say what you ptu after the period..

  • 1996abz2007 says:

    Say you wanted to say : what colour is my hair? type in the petition box .brown. and the rest of what you are supposed to put and then type the question in the box below, the answer will come up with brown.

  • kharamsha says:

    fuk u

  • ANN38D says:

    type this for eg. p.Ashley
    who is my friend?
    Answer – Ashley

  • AnthraxSK says:

    I actually earned like 80 euro’s with peter answers

  • muchagecko says:

    even though i knew it when my sister pranked some cousins or freinds it scared me when i pranked my freind i scared me

  • ClevCavfan4ever says:

    Dude this IS REAL!!

  • moonspirit56 says:

    LoL i remember my cousin showed me this and i was so freaked but he showed and i showed my friend and he got freaked LoL

  • xBell3 says:

    Lol. My friend did this to me by first asking simple questions like what am i drinking? it said water and it was right. Then i tried and it didnt respond that well. SO then hes like why dont you like her then i said im going to kill you, i know where you live.blah blah im outside your window with a chainsaw . i got so scared. Then hes like go check and i was to afraid to then he finnalyl told mee lol

  • averyalwaysknows says:

    hahahaha we said that peter was in the closet and the girl we were scaring was standing right next to the closet and she FREAKED.

  • mollisande says:

    do you kow the trick?

  • 1998rebels says:

    okay i got like really scared cuz my sissys friend was like where r u peter? and then he was like in the shower and then we asked him again and h siad under my bed. and we also asked what color my sisters underwear was and it actually had the right answer but then mi sissys friend asked:why is thier so much tention in the romm/? and then peter was like just tell angie(me) to calm down????> mind u im only 10

  • terminaterjohn says:

    is that 2 % milk?

  • gaiaaddict777 says:

    thats sad iots a trick duh

  • sneskid9885 says:

    dude i thought exactly what i thought when i got tricked by a freind on this. i thought it was some kind of demon

  • KPokidyshev says:

    At least im not the only one that got pranked for hours

  • sunamiebob says:

    read info u homo-nympho

  • 1ronen says:

    its all fake you retard,I know how it works

  • qwertygirllol says:

    ok my cuzin asked peter where is he rite now and peter said he was behind me. i screamed and ran out of the room ASAP. holy shit i was scared.

  • Dillbill3 says:

    theres a trick to it

  • Xx1SasuNaru1xX says:

    my friend did this to me and I started to cry because she said something was watching me and something was under my bed. it was terrible :] so i do it to other people now :]

  • ItWasWritten516 says:

    my best friend/brother used this website on me and scared the living shit out of me… he knows just about everything about me and used all of it to his advantage… it sucked because i was the only one home for the weekend and my mom was out of state… he lead me to believe my biggest fear was watching me and inside my house… he had everything planned so nothing went wrong… only thing that went wrong was that i was seconds away from calling 911… it took them 2 hours to calm me down.. lol

  • outsider45 says:

    dude the camera guy is like having a fuckin seizure!!! omfg! im gonna throw up now…

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