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For those of you that have been tricked by here is what they did. Or for those who want to have a little fun with people and watch their reactions. Have fun watching!! Giveaway Link: If you like my videos rate, comment, subscribe =)

Have you ever wondered whether the billion-dollar artifice of the media, and of the advertising conglomerates, has any lasting negative effect on your mind and behavior, or whether the young are particularly affected by the all-pervasive presence of ads? Is it rational to expect large ad-corporations to jeopardize their vast monopolies by becoming more responsible in the future? Can Madison Avenue agencies and other Hidden-Persuaders ever be held accountable, if it is discovered and proven that the glamorous creations of their industry do indeed have lasting negative effects on our minds and behavior? Is the new designer disease of our age Affluenza, and is the consumer the consumed, in these times of excess and chronic commercialism? Can there be positive psychological, spiritual or social advancement, in a symbol-illiterate culture, more and more dependent on image, brand-logos and chimeras of the perfect, happy life, based on chronic competitiveness, material affluence and technical proficiency? Is there a connection between the rising levels of crime, substance abuse, inner psychological dysfunction, emotional disassociation, and the subversive use of power images and words in our culture? In this the sixth of the Origins and Oracles series, Michael Tsarion reveals the occult meaning behind many of the brand-names and logos that infest our think- and mind-space. This thoroughly engrossing expose is compulsory viewing for members of the younger generation, who are

26 Responses to Peter Answers-Secret Revealed!!

  • MIssitthang says:

    it was really helpfull

  • nashrheoma says:

    @Faresthecreater try to view the picture who appear in the program….and then view the source code wizard 666 that is the # of the devil….

  • GawjussDawlinq says:


  • catkong66735365760 says:

    Ah, if only you knew… non-believers never will, though…

  • dotel874 says:

    .. LOL.. i’ve been fooled! xD

  • vijaymca says:

    @arianaysabel Once again view the video exactly.. There is a trick.. the answer should be type in the petition starting with period ‘.’ and with period’.’ that should be the answer only..

  • C1RCAz says:

    before i knew this i asked him a question , then he was like i don tknow lol because yeaa you know long sory

  • xXoneclipkillerXx says:

    This i sick foo! Gracias

  • ShotwingTalesRunner says:

    lets be honest, who didnt freak out when they did this to you haha

  • SecretagentLeon says:

    @castro5661 how come its not working? its just says “I will not answer or i dont know or i feel good with you.

  • nuttybollockz says:

    i asked it about what my dog was thinking.

    it answered “i want more food”


    he’s always hungry!

  • castro5661 says:

    I only know of this site but I wouldnt count on one that can “really” answers your questions. But hey with the way technology is going you never know 😉

  • Faresthecreater says:

    Is there other than peteranswers? that really guesses right?

  • Faresthecreater says:

    WOOOOW It happened to me I by mistake in the petition wrote : ”gfhty” and didn’t realize they wrote peter so I continued ”please answer” and I asked : Who is my sister? and the answer was : ”gfhty” It really happened and I knew the whole trick now I tricked my whole family

  • BrandonPaintballer says:

    @cvillarrealb lmao same here

  • BrandonPaintballer says:

    My answers werescary. I thought i was gonna die

  • koreagj says:

    damn it thanks sooo much

  • expensivemoe says:

    thank u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much dude !!!!

  • cvillarrealb says:

    Thanks Castro. Now I wander why this Peter answered only to one of my friends. We everybody got so f…. scared about this website, at the point that I dind’t want to try it at home because my wife was really scared. Now, thanks to your explanation, I can understand a lot of things. Thank you again.

  • crystalaccount says:

    Hey thankyou dear Iam goona kill my younger brother he is makin mee fool !! but thank,s a lot it,s a relief after watchin your video ,

  • renmaki11 says:

    hey my friend did this to me..i believed it..coz wen its my turn to type my question it still answers correctly..even if im the one who typed the petition without this trick..i really din know y..

  • arianaysabel says:

    i tried to ask peter a question and didn’t answer me.. it says that i don’t beleive in him or somthin like that.. but when my brother ask him a question, he answer it

  • marioluigi896 says:

    wow i was freakin scared dude my cuz did this to me ans she asked him if fthe world was gonna end in 2012 and it sed yes holy crap i was so freakin scared

  • kingrap says:

    Great videos, clear and easy to understand you.

    Too bad your Windoze was giving you trouble! lol

  • castro5661 says:

    Yeah..the first time they did this to me..i

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