brightly-coloured flowers to attract hummingbirds whose wings fan healing energies.
You might see such things in your visions. What provides the healing, however, is the understanding Ayahuasca brings of what is happening in your life, allowing inner feelings to unblock so that sadness, anger, and other negative energies are transmuted into ecstasy and love.
During this trip, you have the opportunity to drink Ayahuasca and meet its spirit, to watch it being made and learn how to do it yourself, and possibly even to gather the vine. Perhaps you may even assist our shamans in making the Ayahuasca brews you will drink during your stay.
Baths to restore balance and harmony to the soul are known of and practiced in many shamanic cultures (though it is an art we have lost in the West).
By cleansing, ‘flourishing’, and bringing a new sense of balance, the spirit and body are able to heal themselves. These baths call in the powers of our allies in Nature and prepare the ground for our healing.
They are prepared by Master Shamans, using specially-chosen plants and flowers – perhaps like those above – which create particular energetic and spiritual effects, to which is added cooling river waters. The mixture is then poured over the body (you don’t need to take off your clothes) as a blessing or even a baptism of sorts. Our shamans will provide floral baths for us as a means to heal, centre, and cleanse our spirits.
The rainforest is your playground and you are welcome to explore it any time. Included in this trip is also a special guided walk with our shaman and translator who will