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Playing Chess With the Devil. Making Sense of the Most Popular Book In the World. Genesis 1. The Creation. Lesson 1

Genesis 1:1

The Bible begins with the Creation of the world in Genesis 1. Although Scripture says that God created the world, John 1:1-3 and Colossians 1: 15,16 say that Christ was fully participant as God in the creation that was made for His own glory. The creation is a demonstration of the omnipotent power of God to create everything from nothing (Hebrews 11:3). , The Bible never tries to prove the existence or the power of God here or anywhere else. That fact is ASSUMED because the Scriptures teach that all men have an innate knowledge of their Creator and His existence. It is built in every one of us (Romans 1:18-20; 2:14, 15). Thus you have to work hard and fight against this knowledge that is always evident to you. You have to deceive yourself into believing that there is no God because the entire creation is screaming the glory of God night and day to all its inhabitants (Psalm 19:1-4), which leaves each of them without any excuses. (Romans 1:20)

The opening verse of the Bible presents these two very important truths:

1. There is a Creator

2. And there is a Creation

You might say that the Bible teaches Two-ism about the world and reality. All is two. There is a Creator and there is a creation. The Creator is not His creation. He lives apart from it and above it. And the creation is not Him. Nothing in His creation contains divinity – not Mother Earth, not any animals, not any humans. They are creatures. They were made by the Creator. Divinity and creature remain distinct.

The Biblical Worldview of Two-ism, or The Creator and His Creation (See diagram

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