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Power Contradiction Between God and Satan

Hasan A. Yahya, Ph.Ds

Powers of God and Satan, are contradictory to each other. One of The Creator’s, and the other of God’s creation power. But why, Satan is permitted to have that power until the Day of Judgment? Was calculation of God to fill the Hill-Fire, and Paradise incapable to do so, without the help of Satan?  

If Satan was able to put the words in the mouth of (divinely human) prophets as they desire, logically, Satan have the power to cheat God and His Apostles, by making unwanted statements in the Prophet’s mouths. In other words, if God is knowing everything, especially about the Satan action and intentions against human beings to make them astray, and follow his creed which challenges God’s creation of Adam, as religions say, then God, Has it’s errors  overseeing the words sent by Gabriel to Apostles. In other words,  God’s Power is not immune to be broken in the presence of Satan. But these words were broken, and replaced by the Will of God. This saying describes the writer as atheist, and may be blasphemous in scoring God under the power of Satan, which is not intended.

In Islam, as well as Judaism, and Christianity, the power of God exists all times, and interfere to straighten out Apostles behavior before becoming unforgivable sin. Historically, in Joseph, Moses, and Jesus Christ situations God interfered to help out these Apostles to do miracles, and resist evil doings without loosing their positions as God’s Apostles. To explain this statement, the story of Joseph and the Pharaoh wife, In terms of Moses, God forgave him of his sin, the killing of an Egyptian. In case of Jesus Christ, God interfered  to manage the absence of Christ, and imagination of

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