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creation of Adam, God asked the angels to bow for Adam, the new product of God’s innovation. They all bowed, except Iblis (the Satan), by saying, I will not bow for a person created from clay, and I created from fire. Iblis was damned by God’s order. Iblis, however, being smart or his destiny to ask: Give me time to make his offspring astray and commit sins. God agreed, and gave Satan, the long life, until the Day of Judgment.


After the first round for Satan, and by the assistance of Eve according to scriptures, Adam made the first sin which was costly not only for him, but to all his offspring. That means, human beings have to decide for themselves, to be bad or to do good on earth. Furthermore, Sons of Adam cannot decide for themselves, and will follow sin path, therefore, God promised to send Prophets with certain jobs, and certain goals, to make the wicked return to do good. And to make those who’ve done good to feel happy and satisfied.


This meaning is explained in Qur’an, which reads: “We said Get you down all (Adam, Eve and the devil, Satan) all together, from Heaven, and if there comes to you guidance (Prophets)from me, whosoever followed my guidance, shall be in fear, no shall they grieve, But those who reject faith and belief on signs, they shall be companions of the Hill-Fire. They shall abite therin.” (2:38-39)


Satan’s job was from the beginning, to challenge God’s Prophets and those who are humans, with lusts to women, sons, and wealth (Gold and silver). This permission for Satan was granted by God. So, it logical to say, that God knows well, the intention of Satan on earth. And He (God) Has to be aware of that intention, by making Satan under continuous

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