Professional Tarot
In today’s economy, a little extra cash can go a long way. If you’re like most people who read Tarot, you’ve probably entertained the idea of doing readings for money more than once. Whether you’re just starting to explore the idea or have already started reading professionally, Professional Tarot is the book you need to translate your Tarot reading skills into dollars. Author Christine Jette’s combined background in nursing, psychology, teaching, and Tarot consultation provides practical insights into the counseling and business aspects of reading Tarot professionally. Professional Tarot explores every aspect of starting your own Tarot business, showing you how to: • Assess your strengths and weaknesses as a Tarot reader • Develop your special niche as a reader • Market your unique skills on a shoestring budget • Stay on top of taxes • Learn about zoning and tax laws in your community • Expand your clientele with Internet or phone readings • Keep important legal records for your files • Handle crisis situations calmly and professionally • Understand the special needs of teenage clients • Organize and teach Tarot classes • Recognize signs of “psychic burnout” • Develop your own professional Tarot code of ethics With Professional Tarot and your own determination and enthusiasm, you can create prosperity for yourself and provide helpful advice to others as you build your own successful Tarot business.
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