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Question by CNHoov20: Pscyo Analzing everthing includin myslef?
How can i stop psycho anaylizing everything an it is causing me not good things mentaly how can i stop its starting to get out of hand an i just want my life to be fun again. and i am scared it maybe to late hase anybody herd of the secret and metaphysical healing can some one give me some advice to help me stop so i dont feel like i am going crazy cuz i feel phsyco

Best answer:

Answer by quiz
It sounds like you are allowing your overzealous ego to control your thought patterns and your reaction to those thoughts.

We can choose to embrace the notion that there exists a higher level consciousness which is not controlled by the ego. We can be aware of the ego’s rants, but we can decide to relegate most of those thoughts to the background, rather than needing to analyze them or be controlled by them.

We can treat those thoughts as we would the waves which punish the beach every few seconds. We can see the turmoil, but don’t have to always be swimming in the surf and be tossed around by those waves. Instead, we can sit on the beach and watch the action and respond to it only when we desire.

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One Response to Pscyo Analzing everthing includin myslef?

  • jeff a says:

    Notime has a really good point, and I would give him/her the best answer. We all go through this, some more than others. It’s what you do with it that will ultimately affect your own happiness.

    It sounds like you are kind of in a vicious cycle something like this: You don’t feel good about yourself, so you start to think about what is “wrong” with you, you don’t get the definite answers you are looking for, people start shunning you, so you start to feel even worse about yourself, so you start getting more critical of yourself, so you start thinking there is even MORE “wrong” with you, so you become even more intent on finding the cause, or the cure, or whatever, but it isn’t working, so you feel even worse about yourself,…etc. Yeah, your driving yourself nuts.
    Slow down…


    Here is something to consider: [Some] psychs believe that your thoughts (and your feelings) change AS your behavior changes, or, to coin it: MOVE A MUSCLE>CHANGE A THOUGHT.
    In other words, find something you like to do, and do it. Make the things that you LIKE to do priority (This is not to say to neglect things you NEED to take care of, like work, school, hygeine, etc.). All the “crazy” stuff will eventually find their rightful place in your mind (It will put it all into perspective).
    Also, you don’t have to be the best at what you like to do. Being critical of yourself is normal, but don’t beat yourself up. There are a lot of people who would be more than happy to do that for you. NOBODY is perfect. Your mind needs a break, give it one. Do silly stuff. And/or find something complicated to tackle for a while like the stock market, or guitar, or an adventure video-game, and stick to it. (Believe it or not, thinking about complicated stuff will actually give your mind a break). Read a book. Go watch a movie.
    And do something ACTIVE (Move a muscle…), start with a walk, go through every store in the mall, or down the street.
    Find something you have never seen before. Write about it.
    DO something you have never done before. You may actually surprise yourself with being able to do something you never thought you could.
    Volunteer (Go help build a house for Habitat for Humanity, learn how to draw blood for the Red Cross, help out at the local shelter, etc.).
    This all fits in with your previous question about the chemicals in your brain also. Ever heard of a “runner’s high”? YOU can change the chemicals in your brain to make yourself feel better, and, ultimately, feel better about yourself (Look up “endorphins”, “serotonin” and “serotonin reuptake” , “norepinephrine”).
    Smile. Life will get you down IF YOU LET IT. But if you don’t let it get you down…hmmm… you might actually find yourself waking up BEFORE the alarm goes off.
    Change your thoughts at the same time: Think positively. Not la-dee-da everything is bright and beautiful and f****n’ peaches. But positive like: I am fine. I am normal. I can. I am intelligent and capable. I am worthy of my own self. I am worthy to be alive. I want (fill in the blank), and I am going to go get it. I am a good person. I am worth it. etc. BELIEVE it, become it.

    Do new things, and you will make new friends. Friends come and go. The real ones will stick by you, some maybe at a distance. If they don’t stick, they weren’t your friends to begin with.

    I know this is all wordy, and inevitably is all just suggestions. I would definitely suggest a professional counselor to bounce things off for the long run. Simply because you are displaying a vulnerability to the world, and you are open to being taken advantage of in that respect.

    Be good to yourself. You are worth it.

    You got the green light. What are you waiting for?
    Get moving.

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