verified by another, then another and another. On and on until the querent (the seeker) begins to call psychics armed with information they “believe,” because they have been told, and which now takes on a new quality or dimension in a reading which actually begins to alter the baseline circumstances and causes a shift in what is picked up from psychic to psychic. In other words, somewhere the initial concern gets cluttered with unsubstantiated facts and predictions and consequently new feelings arise out of what they now believe and begin to feel they already know. A real psychic picks up thoughts, feelings, etc., but when a querent has new feelings and thoughts based on what they have been told my hundreds of psychics, this becomes a form of “transformed energy.” Many psychics find themselves struggling with what they “see” versus what the client is telling them. It takes a skilled spiritual adviser to get past these new beliefs and pre-conceived ideas and to get to the bottom of the matter, undiluted by junk (most likely idealistic and often fanciful information where things turn out precisely as the seeker wants them to). A common misconception is when a psychic picks up on another’s emotions and when favorable to the client, it is mistakenly turned into a favorable prediction of the future. This is where skill and experience is necessary.
Many times these predictions are not accurate although many psychics pick up similar details in the past and present; so you can imagine the kind of confusion that will develop over a period of time after consistently going from one psychic to another. Suddenly there is no clarity, there is only confusion, there are no answers, and there are many answers. In