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Psychic Phenomena And Abilities


There are about more than 180 psychic abilities that emphasize the power in some psychic phenomena. Psychic abilities refers to the claimed ability to perceive things hidden from the normal senses through what is described as extra-sensory perception, or to those people said to have such abilities. Its an ability to conduct en extra-ordinary actions of those people who have powerful mind which practice any of the psychic abilities. All of us have powerful mind than of what we are expected. But since, we don\’t know how to empower it or open our the ability of using it more precisely powerful. For us as a ordinary people, we only use our mind in our normal perception and conducting the use of our 5 senses. Unlike in the gifted powerful mind like the psychics, they have their extra sensory perception or ESP. ESP is those apparent ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. And the kinds of ESP are telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, psychometry and telekinetic power. Telekinetic is the most powerful domain of ESP because a person who have telekinetic power is able to move an object through his mind. Mostly they called it mind over matter.


ESP is the psychic abilities which already introduce or obtain by means psychic works such as giving meaning of our sub signs, future telling, astrology, tarot reading, numerology, and many more. Here are some of psychic abilities which familiar to all of us: Bilocation which means being in two places at the same time, Clairvoyance intends to a perception outside the known human senses, Precognition which is usual to future tellers because they percept future

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