Shaman is that within nature everything is alive and has a spirit of its own. This means that everything within the physical plane has its own life energy and soul. Together, we make our natural world. In Shamanism, we are all connected. There is no authority, dominance or hierarchy. All life is considered to be equal and necessary. Shamans believe in the laws of spirit. We all must live in harmony and balance.
Today, the Shaman is seen as the priest, doctor and healer. Experience and education are the main attributes of the modern day Shaman. However, there are still those Shamans that have the ability to walk between different levels of consciousness and realms of being. They remain our bridges to the world of spirit. Let’s not forget the magic and power they give back to this world.
Carolyn Naiman is a Professional Tarot reader and a contributing editor to She has a Masters in Psychology and has been a Tarot advisor since 1998.
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