Part One-Eight: Film interview with healer, medium, mentor, shaman, and environmentalist Cathy Towle. In this film series, Towle introduces the “unseen world” and what it means to learn to work with spirit. From intuition to mediumship, Cathy discusses her spiritual journey and the innate potential in all of us to tap the divine powers of our quantum universe. The following information is provided from Cathy Towle’s website: Cathy was certified as a Medium by Forever Family Foundation in 2006. FFF works to ensure that Certified Mediums are proficient in the ability of Spirit Communication through means that are neither deceptive nor fraudulent. Rev. Cathy Towle is a skilled and compassionate medium, and offers many ways to connect you to spirit. Whether it is through connecting with a loved one who has passed, spiritual mentoring, or learning about your intuition. Cathy will guide you to the other side. Listen to your inner guidance through a reading or by learning how to open to your own connection to spirit. Use your intuition to make key decisions. Learn how to use “earth practices” to relate to your loved ones, ancestors and spirit guides. Cathy Towle is available for one-on-one intuitive readings and/or spiritual coaching. She is based in Brooklyn, New York and also provides long distance consultation via phone and/or teleconferencing. She can be contacted through her website. Shot & Edited by Ashley Young Some Day Fire Productions LINKS Cathy Towle website: www …

Part One-Eight: Film interview with healer, medium, mentor, shaman, and environmentalist Cathy Towle. In this film series, Towle introduces the “unseen world” and what it means to learn to work with spirit. From intuition to mediumship, Cathy discusses her spiritual journey and the innate potential in all of us to tap the divine powers of our quantum universe. The following information is provided from Cathy Towle’s website: Cathy was certified as a Medium by Forever Family Foundation in 2006. FFF works to ensure that Certified Mediums are proficient in the ability of Spirit Communication through means that are neither deceptive nor fraudulent. Rev. Cathy Towle is a skilled and compassionate medium, and offers many ways to connect you to spirit. Whether it is through connecting with a loved one who has passed, spiritual mentoring, or learning about your intuition. Cathy will guide you to the other side. Listen to your inner guidance through a reading or by learning how to open to your own connection to spirit. Use your intuition to make key decisions. Learn how to use “earth practices” to relate to your loved ones, ancestors and spirit guides. Cathy Towle is available for one-on-one intuitive readings and/or spiritual coaching. She is based in Brooklyn, New York and also provides long distance consultation via phone and/or teleconferencing. She can be contacted through her website. Links Cathy Towle website: www.cathytowle.com Music by Ravenna Michalsen, track Ki Ki So …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
You have truly hit home with me thank you!!!! I know I have a gift and its intuitive, I get this feeling inside me and nervous sensation that won’t go away and I sense either something is going to happen good or bad, and I also see things like a dream or a certain scene as I am awake and things come true, I feel other peoples vibes also and get things from them. I have checked out different spiritual practices and different methods of contact .How do you trust?
Great Video’s, Keep up the Great Work !
Everybody has their guides and soulmate friends that watch over them at all times. They hear what we say and what we think. They know when we are sad or in trouble. They know we are also always protected and nothing bad can ever happen because we are our souls and we are eternal.
You are awesome !!!
Great vids , thanks
Hi there. Thankyou so much for these videos. You seem so honest and grounded. I’m getting into this stuff myself and it’s great to hear about this from a more down to earth point of view. I hope one day our connection to the spiritual world will be more like common sense than cuckoo land. Thanks, Rachel.
Thank you! I I think you are a very special and wonderful person!
Thank you for being so sincere!
YES-False personal identities and ego driven competitive factors ARE the ONLY cause and motives for war,malice,elitism,etc.
Intuitive creative epiphanies as a prelude to Gnosis need be left to flow freely.
Technological singularity,the end of Moore’s law,will inevitably,collectively unite us all very soon. To create where there was nothing as the Artist and to reverse engineer all that is & ever was as the Scientist is Love and Truth directed under Will. No more poverty or use of fossil fuels!-