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Parts One-Eight: Film interview with healer, medium, mentor, shaman, and environmentalist Cathy Towle. In this series, Towle introduces the “unseen world” and what it means to learn to work with spirit. From intuition to mediumship, Cathy discusses her spiritual journey and the innate potential in all of us to tap the divine powers of our quantum universe. The following information is provided from Cathy Towle’s website: Cathy was certified as a Medium by Forever Family Foundation in 2006. FFF works to ensure that Certified Mediums are proficient in the ability of Spirit Communication through means that are neither deceptive nor fraudulent. Rev. Cathy Towle is a skilled and compassionate medium, and offers many ways to connect you to spirit. Whether it is through connecting with a loved one who has passed, spiritual mentoring, or learning about your intuition. Cathy will guide you to the other side. Listen to your inner guidance through a reading or by learning how to open to your own connection to spirit. Use your intuition to make key decisions. Learn how to use “earth practices” to relate to your loved ones, ancestors and spirit guides. Cathy Towle is available for one-on-one intuitive readings and/or spiritual coaching. She is based in Brooklyn, New York and also provides long distance consultation via phone and/or teleconferencing. She can be contacted through her website. Shot & Edited by Ashley Young Some Day Fire Productions LINKS Cathy Towle website: www

After completing the shamanic healing session, Christina discusses the results of the healing and some of the unique challenges that come with ancestral and dependent relationships in the work.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

6 Responses to Pt. 5 Ego & Stepping Into the Light The Unseen World Shaman Healer Cathy Towle

  • barihappy says:

    WOW, I had been looking at soooo many religions for the past two months, and what you have been talking about is just right on with my life and what I’ve experienced! For me right now, it seems like timing has just been crazy, that and loads of electrical equipment went off at the same time recently, I was freaking out, but you’re really helping me out with this discomfort. Thank you!

  • marechalNekongo says:

    thank you so much.

  • Ichabod1031 says:

    Thank you for this great series it has helped me immensely in my journey.

  • thisisthenewmovement says:

    Great info

  • pekoe67 says:

    * * * * *

  • debrrr says:

    This video has an amazing, loving, and powerful message about the ability of our souls to heal with the help of shaman-craft. Thank you, Christina.

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