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Question by .: Are tarot card readings accurate?
My friend does tarot card readings & of course does mine for free 🙂 Do you think they’re accurate? If you do, explain.

Best answer:

Answer by Pants Party III
It’s just cold reading

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

11 Responses to Q&A: Are tarot card readings accurate?

  • Rose says:

    Do you really believe cards can tell your future?

  • Mark says:

    They are as accurate as a blind man playing darts.

  • Lifelong Student says:

    I believe the practice is demonic and not harmless fun.

    I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Straight Talker says:

    No. why on earth (or anywhere else), would they be?

  • cool b says:

    Tarot cards are of the devil.

  • Buddha says:

    ,,,only if you believe they are!

  • Mysterious Panda says:

    As accurate as 2 points

  • Giggity says:

    I use tarot cards to guide every aspect of my life.

  • psymistress says:

    They are accurate for the moment in question. ie: the moment of the reading. There are so many things that you can do to change the outcome of any event so the cards can only give you a prediction for one of the many possibilities. I know that sounds like I am giving them an excuse to be wrong, but I assure you I am not. I always tell everyone that I do readings for that I am only telling you what might be, if you come across someone who guarantees that what they say will come to pass, get your money back and if you haven’t paid, don’t. The example I always use is this: I can tell you that when you leave my house you will trip down my stairs and break your ankle, but if you see the hot wheels car on the step and don’t slip, you step down the stairs properly and don’t break your ankle. Just that one little difference changes your entire course.
    Sorry for the book length answer but I am very passionate about this subject. Blessed Be )O(

  • Yazzie H says:

    I honestly think that it depends on the person reading the tarot cards. I’ve done a couple readings myself and the reading I got was pretty true. I don’t think however that tarot cards are something that do with magic or anything on the lines of that, I think that if you do get a reading, and if you keep thinking about it-You know, keep your mind on it-then it’s quite possible that whatever event was read through the cards might happen because you were thinking about it so much. In my opinion I just think that some readings might actually be luck as well, but that’s for you to decide.

    And for the record tarot card readings are not of the devil and are not evil it’s just some people’s beliefs just like some of you other people have THOSE beliefs.

  • I'm A Fly says:

    Tarot cards resemble archetypes and characteristics about human beings that every single one of us comes across in our life. If your friend pulled the ‘death’ card, she will tell you something along the lines that you will undergo or are undergoing change or some sort of passage in your life. Well, who doesn’t experience change all the time? that is a constant reality of human existence. Every card reveals a constant reality we all experience. If you have a Tarot reading done, you have two immediate choices when you leave the reading. You can decide if you like what the reader said and accept it, or you can choose to ignore what the reader said would happen. If you accept what the reader said, you will actively look for those things to happen, and when they do happen you will say to yourself “oh, the Tarot reader was right!” But the problem with that is that everything that every Tarot card represents happens to all of us and we can find them easily in our lives.

    It is kind of like God. There is a Christian and an Atheist in a math class together. Their exam is coming up, so the Christian prays and prays for a good mark, then goes off to study. The Atheist studies too. When the marks come back, the Christian will thank God for the good marks (when really, if she had not have studied she would have failed…) whereas the Atheist knows that he studied well. It is all about what/who you attribute what happens in your life to.

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