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metaphysical nature
by -RejiK

Question by heeltap: Are the abilities we have *to imagine & *to reason which help us speculate & hypothesize sol’ns to problems…
And the A’s to our Q’s, equally essential? And please can you explain your answer.

I ask this Q bec:

I’m currently reading and thinking about Spinoza and Leibnitz who both combined the two abilities to create and explain *the physical and *the metaphysical nature of the Universe. Spinoza saw God and Nature as identical and Leibnitz saw every thing as composites of independent monads or “immaterial metaphysical atoms” working in *pre-established harmony under God’s direction.

* indicates internet-searchable words
I hate it when providing added details leads to inappropriate inferences and a redirection of the Q. My comments provided a context for why I even bothered to ask the Q. At no time did I indicate that I was interested in asking the Q: Do you believe in God or metaphysics? That would be a separate Q which I may some day ask, but not now.

Best answer:

Answer by tony
spinoza what do you mean? is it right that anyone can eat spinach and get healthy?

Give your answer to this question below!

2 Responses to Q&A: Are the abilities we have *to imagine & *to reason which help us speculate & hypothesize sol’ns to problems…

  • Ronin says:

    If you want an answer within their framework, I can’t really help you.

    There is no god and no metaphysics, so to me, that aspect of the question really makes no sense. As for whether our imagination and reasoning help us solve problems, that sounds good to me. Perhaps someday we’ll find that different centers of our brain light up in solving problems. until that day, I buy it.

  • lazybones says:

    the fact that you mention the two gentlemen in your question should tell you that you are a beneficiary of civilization of the past and present ..without all those great thinkers who came before all of us where would you have come up with the idea for such a question.. now as a result of our forbears we understand that we possess such abilities as you put it ..if you carry on in the path of philosophy and the pursuit of knowledge and truth you might just write something that will inspire somebody in the future ..i hope you enjoy this answer as much as i have enjoyed your question

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