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Question by Joshua: Are there any religions that do not require a leap of faith?
I think I can get something from meditation, rituals, and the skeptical exploration of metaphysical ideas, but I have a problem with dogma and the expectation of blind faith.

Best answer:

Answer by auriform
Religion = Faith

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to Q&A: Are there any religions that do not require a leap of faith?

  • pallasathena says:

    probably not

  • gratvol says:

    from what you are describing I would recommend Buddhism but I could be wrong

    try out this web site and see what your religion should be

  • paul g says:

    Suspension of disbelief seems to be a prerequisite of any theistic religion.

  • GforceQT says:

    You can’t have faith if you’ve never questioned..and God doesn’t persecute that..but the Bible is the truth. I questioned for years until God called on me. It’s unmistakable..when you know, you know. HE will tell you if you ask in earnest.

  • Dogmatic Dingo says:

    Faith and gullibility are the one and the same thing. Gullible people accept superstitious myth without question. The opposite to gullibility is skepticism. Septics require tangible evidence of a claim before accepting it. You do not require faith to accept an ethical philosophy to live by, such as Buddhism.

  • shivaya says:

    Man made religion, not God, and true Faith is never blind because it’s based on inner experience, not mental belief.

    God is found within…and NEVER has anything to do with dogma. If it’s dogma it’s not from God!!

    Don’t look to this world for That which is beyond it. Look in your heart and have the intention to become the best you can be for God and for the world. This is how to know God.


  • chris_muriel007 says:

    YES. Christianity.
    My search for truth led me to being a Christian.
    Not Faith.

    There is unarguable evidence that Yah-shua (yah is salvation) was sent for our justification.
    Every religion that has some truth substantiates this.
    (e.g. judaism, hinduism)
    Every false religion speaks against it.

    You can find all this, but only if you seek.

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