Question by cooldude64one: Are there any websites out there that can teach me real magical powers?
I mean think about it.With powers you can do anything you want and not have to worry about getting punished later on.If someone pisses you off you can hurt him,if a girl turns you on you can fulfill your sexual desires upon her,if you want money you could freeze time go into a bank and take the money,and you’ll never have to worry about going to jail.The powers I’m interested in are shapeshifting,time control,and invisibility.Please take me to a website that can teach me these powers because I feel so beaten down and taken advantaged of by the system and I want to fight back.
Best answer:
Answer by Taylor Z
Ok, you don’t even need a website. You can easily obtain these powers from a special trainer. They can be hard to find, and you may need to search around for awhile. These trainers are usually found in the shady areas of town. Once you find them, buy all the LSD you can, take the LSD, and poof! Powers! Now they won’t last forever, so every time you lose your powers, take more LSD and you’ll be magical again.
I really hope this helps you.
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Yes but think about all of the emotional distress and pain that your plan would entail. You should not use your magical powers to rape a young girl, pay no matter to how cute she may be. You don’t have to go to jail? And by the fact that I’m writing this, I am sure that you would destroy me to. Please don’t destroy me I’m only here to offer you objective advice about the negative affects where magical abilities would have on you and the world. The consequences could be much more far reaching than you ever could have imagined. The entire world would try to strike you down. Please don’t kill me! I have so much to give!
If you want ‘powers’ the best way is to become a respectable leader so that you can influence people and change the system for the better.
I’ve read some of your other questions and I find them a little disturbing, you seem to picture yourself as some sort of victim and then you ask about school shootings and buying a gun.
Take control of your life in a postive way, stop thinking about how unfair everything is and work towards some things that will make you happy but in a more conventional and productive way than just wishing for them.
Maybe you could start by doing something nice for someone else, it doesn’t have to be anything huge, surprise a relative with a thoughtful compliment for example.
It is true that with this power you won’t go to jail but have you ever think how your punishment will be when you have this ability and doing the thing that are considers by other as bad. This ability had it on price to pay, Just like when you are working you need to sacrifice your time so that you will get your payment. When you had this ability you need to think more mature so that you won’t make a wrong decision on a wrong time and place. Magical powers had many branch but i think good magic will help you because you don’t need to fight back like that on the system because sometime it is you who are the problem,,,so take care of your self mentally and body. Lastly you don’t need to have magical powers to fight back because god make us intelligently so just use your brain to make a good dicision. My advice is don’t let the enviroment change you but you change the enviroment, because i belive every one is unique.
There is no such thing as magical powers. But there are psychic abilities and they are learnable. However, it will be hard to learn it if your not born with it. It mostly takes effort and concentration and you should never give up if you want to learn it.
I can only give you a site with telekinesis (ability to move, bend, levitate, control, shapeshift, heat, cool, squish, expand, etc. objects with your mind). I don’t think there’s a psychic ability for invisibility and time control but there are psychic abilities for seeing the future, talking to others through your mind, seeing ghosts and spirits, etc.
If you freeze time, if possible, nothing will move. If you grab a bag of money, it won’t move because it will be as hard as a rock. You can’t go out in the rain since it would be really sharp. You’ll break your teeth if you eat any kind of food, even jello.
I believe there is a place. It’s called Hogwarts, and you’ll meet lots of wizards who can teach you magical things there. Just go to a train station and walk into a wall. It’s as simple as that.
According to the X-men you have to be born with a certain mutation called the x-factor in your genes.
Do you realize what chaos the world would be in if anyone could just learn shapeshifting, time control, and invisibility?
On a more realistic note, you might be interested in studying kung fu.
Maybe if you realized you cannot attain these things from your egoic perspective I would give you some guidance on how to go about finding the real occult knowledge.
But the real knowledge is kept from profane dudes like yourself for a reason. So you only get to fantasize about time shifts and spells until you work on yourself.
no there is no real website out there that can teach you real magic.