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Question by Chris: Been on a vision quest?
I saw a question the other day talking about “paleolithic humans tripped balls on shrooms” and so I might as well post this on the spirituality board.

Also it’s quite odd how a certain race/religion of native americans are the only ones who can do peyote in the USA.

If you’ve been on one, was it legal like salvia, or what? Given you can talk about it.
I personally think there was a world in which I might not have done drugs. Medication drugs. Any drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by Jason R
no, thank you

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3 Responses to Q&A: Been on a vision quest?

  • Hippie Jesus says:

    I have taken myself to the gate and imbibed illegal substances to learn more about God.

    On Mushrooms and peyote and LSD I think I may have found what I was looking for. I didn’t find a compassionate God nor did I find an entity that was aware of my presence.

    What I found was a giant web in the sky that breathed, and by my being aware of it it made it more substantial and meaningful, yet what I saw was in no way aware of me.

    Now I am not saying what my visions led me to would be the same as yours would lead you to. I feel that what we see we have always known without knowing.

  • Jess says:

    I’v heard peyote is crazy!
    I havent done anything for a “meet with jesus” type thing.
    .. but once i swear i saw UFOs in vegas!!


  • John B Badd says:

    I went on a vision quest last weekend through a program with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies called Core Shamanism. We did not use drugs (although I am not against using anything natural as long as you either really know what you are doing or you are with someone you trust who knows what they are doing.) We used a steady drum beat to stimulate beta waves in the brain in order to enter a trance state. While in the trance state we traveled to the Lower World to explore it and find our Power Animals, then we traveled to the Upper World to explore it and find our Spirit Teacher.

    I know this sounds strange especially if you have never experienced altered states of consciousness, but these experiences are real, weather they are subjective or objective experiences is open to much debate. Read the below links to find out more about my experience and my thoughts on shamanism and what it means to journey to other realms.

    Also Carlos Castaneda’s book ” The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge” detail using hallucinogens to experience the spirit world as does Michael Harner’s book “The Way of the Shaman” Both books can be found at the below links also.

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